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He could kill Schurman in the evening and Miller, four hundred miles away early the following morning. "Without Brown's knowledge 'Fingy' was watched. If he had not found it necessary to rob the delicatessen store, he might have met a stranger, as did Boyle, who would provide him with an alibi that no one would believe.

The one thing that spoiled that was the apple. Remember the apple? "To satisfy me the murderer would have to be identified with the apple. You see arresting 'Fingy' left the apple unaccounted for. In the Miller case the murderer would have to be identified with a rope that came from a farmyard that contained a boxwood hedge, a sorrel horse, leghorn chickens, a collie dog and some other items.

'Fingy' Smith is his name, Professor. We got his record. His finger prints are the ones we found on the file. And he is the bird who always eats a lot whenever he does a job, specially eggs. How this bird can put away eggs is a wonder; he's a little feller, too."

"Well, 'Fingy, the guy that bumped off Schurman ate a big meal; he ate six eggs; he opened the safe like you do, he entered the apartment like you do. What you got to say about that?" "What of it? I ain't got nothin' to say about it. I was givin' a party to some friends, I'm tellin' you. You can ask 'em." "Yeah, we'll ask 'em all right, 'Fingy'. What time did your friends come to the party?"

"I seen thousands of nail files like this." "Did you ever own one like it?" "Sure, I owned dozens, what of it?" "Well, 'Fingy, this was found under Schurman's safe. Your finger prints is on it." The prisoner's head jerked back as if struck a blow. He looked at the file, he reached out for it and drew his hand back. He looked with startled eyes at his inquisitor. He sat back in his chair.

You got in like the police said and you opened the safe like they said too, didn't you?" "Yeah, I guess I did." "And you ate a lotta food, didn't you, 'Fingy', some seven or eight eggs on that job?" "Yeah, I'm always hungry on I mean for a little guy, I can eat an awful lot and I sure do like eggs."

Now, when they had a crook whom the crime fitted so well, this crazy old scientist had to come along and spoil it all with his queer doings. Jimmy, in short crisp sentences told this individual of the latest developments of the Tontine murders. He concluded by asking: "What are you going to do about this, Mr. Englehardt, and what are you going to do with 'Fingy' Smith?" Mr.

The speaker sent the lash of his whip snapping through the air in place of supplying a name. "Maps and things for Hodges Wekusko!" gasped Philip inwardly. He listened for further information. None came, and soon the man called Fingy jumped from the box, cracked his whip with a wheezing command to the dogs, and the sledge moved on.