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If I was 'im I'd a cut 'is throat, and left the razor in 'is 'and, and they'd a brought it in soosanside. Bless you, coroners' juries is reg'lar flats at findin' out them sort of things." "Suppose you read what it says," said Reginald, hardly able to restrain a laugh; "if you like you can read it aloud; I'd like to hear it again myself."

"Th' owner," explained Douglas, "will be doin' th' findin' hisself I'm thinkin'. But t' get th' salvage th' schooner'll ha' t' be took t' St. Johns. Now I'm not knowin' but I could pilot she over. 'Tis a many a long year since I were there but I'm thinkin' I could manage un, and we'll make up a crew an' sail she over." "We'll be needin' five t' handle she right," said Bob.

But if she won't do it, why, then, somebody else has got to they ought to be brung. I say Mother Charnick wuz in the right on't. But Trueman's wife had got so in the habit of findin' fault, and naggin' at me, and the other relations on Trueman's side and hern, that she couldn't seem to stop it when she knew it wuz for her interest to stop.

How about crossin' the bridge and findin' him on the other side with a big bang-stick in his hand?" I shrugged my shoulders, though at heart I was not indifferent to the picture which Schuyler had conjured up. "Oh," said he, "what a damned mess! Come, we'll talk to Lucy." I went with him most unwillingly.

The chink he doped the kid with opium, some way, I guess so's it wouldn't hurt her, and then he tattooed the rest o' the directions for findin' the gold on the head o' Baby Jean. Cut off some hair in back, and shaved a spot on her little head, and tattooed it there. The chink he did. And then the hair grew out ag'in, and nobody ever knew! "Even Baby Jean don't know a woman grown up now.

He was all of ten minutes findin' any one an' when he found him it was only Mr. Shores, an' Mrs. Brown says as gettin' out a fire engine with Mr. Shores an' your house burnin' is suthin' as she trusts will never be her lot again. She says Mr. Shores would n't lay hold o' the engine till after the cover was folded up neatly an' then he wanted to dust the wheels afore runnin' it out.

I realize that the gold-bricker idea ain't the one to use. There's the trouble in findin' a reliable one. And even when the feller got afoul of him, the chances are the old land-pirut would steal the brick. This here" jabbing thumb at Mr. Bodge "is fresher bait. I believe the old shark will gobble it if he's fished for right. What's your idea?"

Philip Ridgeway o' the Treasury Department an' findin' out that this time he's in the soup for keeps." Already the prisoner had recovered his customary nerve for on hearing what Perk was saying he broke out in a laugh. "Looks a bit serious for me, I own up, boys," he said. "I give you credit for being ace high above all your class, for you've played a clever game and beat me by a mile.

I'm always findin' some new river or creek or lake. Nothin's old, or all trod up or worn out. Some day I'm goin' way out on them plains that you've seed, Henry, where the buff'ler are passin' millions strong.

We've been sloshin' 'round the Oriental all day, findin' new virchoos in the whiskey, an' amoosin' ourse'fs at our own expense, when about fifth drink time in the evenin' Dave allows he's some sick of sech revels, an' concloods he'll p'int out among the 'dobys, sort o' explorin' things up a lot. Which we tharupon goes in concert.