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That Thiodolf the Mighty in the fight's beginning fell; That there came a stroke ill-stricken, there came an aimless thrust, And the life of the people's helper lay quenched in the summer dust." He answered nothing, but smiled as though the sound of her voice and the touch of her hand were pleasant to him, for so much love there was in her, that her very grief was scarcely grievous.

"A fair fight," replied Rablay, beginning again to use his handkerchief. "Wall," Crocker went on, after a pause for thought. "A square fight's good but hard to get. This man," and his head made a motion towards Hitchcock as he spoke, "is one of the best shots there is, and I reckon you're not as good at shootin' as at other things."

"Boxing is a game with rules; it isn't fighting at all." "You want to bite and gouge and scratch, then?" said I, greatly amused. "I do not; they would not be fair; a fight's a fight; but a man can be decent with it all. We'll put on the gloves, and we'll hit and wrestle both in fact, we'll fight." He began rapidly to strip. "Would you expect to get off your clothes in a real fight?"

But you take it from me, this fight's just started, and I'm going to see it through, and I'll get you and your Guardian yet." "Is that all you wish to say?" Smith queried in a level tone. "Yes," said O'Connor, shortly; "that's all. Remember it." And he turned toward the office of the Salamander. "27 Deerfield Street. "DEAR MR. SMITH, You never come to Boston any more, do you?

"Except for one or two shiftless fellows like myself," he responded, "my immediate section is deserted. A half-dozen families moved out this fall. The general verdict seems to be that the fight's not worth while." Tom Burton growled deeply. "The country mayn't be much," he grudgingly admitted, "but how do these fellers that are leavin' all they own behind 'em expect to better themselves?

Haney stood over him, panting furiously. "Quit it, y'fool! What's the matter with you?" Braun started to get up again. The Chief interfered and held him, while Haney glared. "He ain't going to fight any more, Braun," pronounced the Chief firmly. "You ain't got a chance. This fight's over. You had enough." Braun was bloody and horribly battered, but he panted: "He's got enough?"

But what does it matter? YOU don't fight for victory, you fight for the fight's sake. And so" she looked at him proudly "you can't lose." "Thank you. Thank you," he said in a low voice. She sighed. "How I envy you! You LIVE. I can simply be alive. Sometimes I feel as if I were sitting in a railway station waiting to begin my journey waiting for a train that's late nobody knows how late.

The fight's between me and that girl, and I'll cut her fence I'll cut her heart out if she gets in my road!" "Well, I'm going to hook up this panel," he said, leaning and taking hold of the wire end, "so you can come here and let it down any time you feel like you have to cut the fence. That will do us about the same damage, and you every bit as much good."

"Well, for one reason, the harness was in the barn and was burned," said Scott, with some irritation. "Herrick has a lot of old junk of that sort in his storeroom," volunteered Hard. "I believe you could patch up one. Those sounds have died away the fight's over," he added. "Let's go back and have a look, and see what Herrick says." There was a pause and the two men consulted anxiously together.

'I've taught my hands to take care of my head, sir, and they'll be ready to do it whenever the time occurs. But it always seemed a bit ridiculous to me to talk about fighting beforehand When the fight's over there is something to talk about. 'You seem to be in a hurry for that there hiding, said Thistlewood. 'Hurry's no word for it, the younger man responded, with cheerful alacrity.