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"If if you have," said I, clasping her to my heart, while she continued to sob still violently, and I felt half disposed to blow my brains out for my success. However, there is something in love-making as in fox-hunting, which carries you along in spite of yourself; and I continued to pour forth whole rhapsodies of love that the Pastor Fido could not equal.

Fido and the old man seldom went home to supper before half past five, and Fido would have been famished were it not for the comfort of the bone. He sniffed around the larger of the two desks. A tempting odour came from a drawer far above. He stood on his hind legs and reached up as far as he could, but the drawer was closed.

It was amongst her books, as also the version by Anguilara, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and Marchetti's Lucreece. "But I wanted to read the Pastor Fido." "We are in a hurry; we must read that another time." "I will follow your advice in all things, my dear Iolas." "That will make me happy, dearest Hebe."

The minister had come out intending, as he said, "to teach that boy a lesson that he would remember," but as he listened to Hughie's story, his anger gave place to a great thankfulness. "It was a great mercy, my boy," he said at length, when he was quite sure of his voice, "that you had Fido with you." "Yes, indeed, father," said Hughie. "It was Fido saved me."

"The rest comes easily enough, if a prince have but nobility of soul and a sense of duty," as the Queen often used to say. Her words came true. I came across several Spanish and Italian books in the library of the little apartments. The "Pastor Fido," "Aminta," and the "Gerusalemme," seemed to me, at first, to be the favourite works.

Fido asked, when he had satisfied himself that there was no food. "Mistress took Raggedy Ann and went somewhere!" all the dolls answered in chorus. "I've found something I must tell Raggedy Ann about!" said Fido, as he scratched his ear. "Is it a secret?" asked the penny dolls. "Secret nothing," replied Fido, "It's kittens!" "How lovely!" cried all the dolls, "Really live kittens?"

She drew the ruler back. "Come, Fido!" Handbag and strap materialized in mid-air and thumped to the floor. "Convinced?" Holati asked. He picked up the handbag and gave it back to her. "It seems to work. How long will that little plasmoid last if it's left in subspace like that?" He shrugged. "Indefinitely, probably. They're tough.

"You remind me of one I loved very dearly once, Dithy," Charley said to her, sadly, one, day, after an unusually stormy wordy war "in fact, the only one I ever did love. You resemble her, too the same sort of hair and complexion, and exactly the same sort of ah temper! Her name was Fido she was a black and tan terrier very like you, my dear, very like.

Fido took the box in his mouth and jumped down. He pushed it with paws and nose over to his own particular corner, sniffing appreciatively meanwhile. It took much vigorous chewing to get the rubber band off and to make a hole in one corner of the box, out of which rolled a great number of small, cylindrical objects.

The dog spied our comrades first and stopped. They could see he was not as young as Fido, but that he was wise and did not bark uselessly at anybody, so they knew that he must be friendly to people. Soon the boys stood face to face, and the strange boy, whose dress indicated that he was not from that section, greeted them in a friendly manner.