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Ferrero has aptly likened it to Paris not so much the Paris of to-day as the Paris of forty years ago, when the Second Empire flourished in all its splendor as the home of joy and strange delights. Over the country of which Alexandria was the capital Cleopatra came to reign at seventeen.

Ferrero turned to Cogan, now in English, 'Sir, a stranger? And Cogan said, 'Si, señor, a stranger from the United States. "And Ferrero said, 'Ah-h Americano cer-tain-ly, in the most charitable tone. 'Señor, I speak your language a leetla bit. It is true I lived one time in your contry a fine contry is U-ni-ted Stat-es two years yes, sir, surely. Listen, please.

'Oh, a marvel of a horse, he wound up, 'and I shall ride him in the next fiesta. "Ferrero reintroduced Cogan to Juan as one who knew his brother Luis. "'But I met him only once, added Cogan. "'Once? It is sufficient, assured Juan. 'Fully sufficient. To meet Luis once is to meet him forever. He is always the same. But some others not so. You have been shipwrecked, yes? You lost everything?

"Freely" indeed, in our particular case, scarce expresses the latter relation; since our young liberty in respect to church-going was absolute and we might range at will, through the great city, from one place of worship and one form of faith to another, or might on occasion ignore them all equally, which was what we mainly did; whereas we rallied without a break to the halls of Ferrero, a view of the staringly and, as I supposed dazzlingly, frescoed walls, the internal economy, the high amenity, the general æsthetic and social appeal, of which still hangs in its wealth before me.

Ferrero got desperate and threw the cape from him, and it caught on the horns, and while the bull was entangled and enraged afresh, Cogan stepped close, picked out the little spot the size of a fifty-cent piece at the head of the spine, stood on his toes and came down with all his force.

As soon as it was discovered that the enemy were coming out to attack, I naturally supposed they would detach a force to destroy our trains. The withdrawal of Hancock from the right uncovered one road from Spottsylvania to Fredericksburg over which trains drew our supplies. This was guarded by a division of colored troops, commanded by General Ferrero, belonging to Burnside's corps.

Zenas R. Bliss. Second Brigade, Col. Simon G. Griffin. Third Division, Brig.-Gen. Orlando Willcox. First Brigade, Col. John F. Hartranft. Second Brigade, Col. Benj. C. Christ. Fourth Division, Brig.-Gen. Edward Ferrero. First Brigade, Col. Joshua K. Sigfried. Second Brigade, Col. Henry G. Thomas. Provisional Brigade, Col. Elisha G. Marshall. BRIG.-GEN. HENRY J. HUNT, commanding Artillery.

He held his stakes up near the end furthest from the bull, to get as much distance at the start as possible, though it wasn't that alone which saved him from the bull's rush. That helped, but the bull stopping up short when he felt the spikes going into his neck, was what Ferrero reckoned on, when it wasn't done too late.

I did not even know who she was, and he he was as one sweeping down from a balloon, an aeroplane; but, señor, I who can be gentle, as you can without doubt understand, I can also be as the sea storm which wrecks great ships. I beat this interloper ah-h beau-tifully "'The whole city knew of it such a scandal' concluded Ferrero for him. "'Ferrero, enough. I am no destroyer of homes.

Ferrero was therefore promptly notified, and ordered to throw his cavalry pickets out to the south and be prepared to meet the enemy if he should come; if he had to retreat to do so towards Fredericksburg. The enemy did detach as expected, and captured twenty-five or thirty wagons which, however, were soon retaken.