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However, on hearing him sob that evening, Abbe Rose came up to remonstrate in fatherly fashion. The old priest was a saint, endowed with infinite gentleness and infinite hope. Why despair indeed when one had the Gospel? Did not the divine commandment, "Love one another," suffice for the salvation of the world?

At the same time it was by no means impossible for Alister to fall in love with even an uneducated girl so-called; neither would he, in that case, have felt any difficulty about marrying her; but the fatherly relation in which he stood toward his clan, had tended rather to prevent the thing. Many a youth falls to premature love-making, from the lack in his daily history of the womanly element.

Then looking up he saw Denis, who moved under the trees alone. Observing that he seemed rather disconsolate, he walked up to him and said in a fatherly tone: "Will you confer a favour, Mr. Denis, on an old man who lives much alone? Will you come and see me, as you promised? My daughter is away just now and will not be back till midsummer. I wish you could have met her.

"I am glad it is no worse," said Captain Benson, who, with fatherly solicitude for his men, had come to the hospital as soon as the company was dismissed. "But what ails you, Tom? You look pale." "Nothing, captain." "Are you sure?" "I don't think I am badly hurt. I believe one of those pistol balls grazed my side; but I hardly felt it." "Let me see," said the surgeon.

At the end of their cross-examination, when Sir Wilfrid was ready to start for Martover, the police headquarters for the district, she rose, and said she would go back to her room. "Do, do, dear child!" Bury threw a fatherly arm round her, and went with her to the foot of the stairs. "Go and rest sleep if you can." As Marcia moved away there was a sudden sound at the end of the hall.

There is a market, at an ever-growing price, for all the furs they can procure. A law has, indeed, gone recently into effect prohibiting the sale of beaver for a term of years, and already beaver coats and caps begin to appear again amongst the people. It would be an excellent, wise thing, worthy of a government that takes a fatherly interest in very childlike folks, to make this law permanent.

Let his mood be what it would fatherly, aloof, impish he would be himself, she would see him, and she loved him. The Duchess of Wight had written to her, and going to her dressing-table she re-read the note. It was short, simply telling her that her mother had told of her arrival, and asking her to dine at 8.30 in Charles Street.

Her flushed and happy face was very fair to see, and the Colonel smiled upon her with fatherly kindness. He could not help liking the child. She was such a taking imp! "Glad you've had a good time," he said. "I hope you thanked your friends for taking you." "I should think I did!" laughed Dinah; and then seeing that his expression was so benignant she slipped an ingratiating hand through his arm.

No doubt already the few guests were arriving, stared at by the neighbors from their windows. The complacent bridegroom was by this time on his way to the home of the bride, or perhaps knocking at the door. Lansing knew him well, an elderly, well-to-do furniture-maker, who had been used to express a fatherly admiration for Mary.

Giving a quick downward glance at his shoulder, he saw the bleeding stump and knew what had been done, whereon he became furiously angry. "Ah, nom de Dieu! what have you been doing to me? It is a shame!" Bouroche was too done up to make him an immediate answer, but presently, in his fatherly way: "I acted for the best; I didn't want to see you kick the bucket, my boy.