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And this was Joan's brother's room a cheerless place of hewn stone. What kind of a man could he have been? What were his reflections as he went about his farm-work and thought of his sister at the head of armies? Was he merely a lout or something worse the prototype of our Conscientious Objector: a coward who disguised his cowardice with moral scruples?

Children learned early to assist in this labor, and those who were sent to school, almost universally employed the Saturday of each week in farm-work. Man's social nature induces aggregation into communities, which stimulates an ambition to excel in every undertaking. From this emulation grows excellence and progress in every laudable enterprise.

Walter, though only twelve years old, his thirteenth birthday comes next month, helps me about the farm, and is very useful in doing chores. He likes farm-work, and will be ready to succeed me in time. As for Sarah, she is a good, sensible girl, and helps her mother in a good many ways.

If, however, they do not conform to this social obligation, their neighbours and friends stand aloof, and do not so much as move a finger to help them. Should one of the family fall ill, the four nearest male neighbours are called in. These men fetch the doctor, and do all the nursing. They will even watch by the invalid at night, and so long as the illness lasts they undertake all the farm-work.

"And that's full ten weeks ago now. What d'you say if I tore off this thing now?" And he pointed to his temperance badge. "Captain's given up drinking, here's Fruen home again, and no call to be unfriendly anyway to either of them." He handed me a knife, and I cut the badge away. We talked for a bit about the farm-work Nils thought of nothing else.

"I trust, Ian, you will not go back to Russia!" said his mother, after a little more talk about frost-biting. "Surely there is work for you at home!" "What can I do at home, mother? You have no money to buy me a commission, and I am not much good at farm-work. Alister says I am not worth a horseman's wages!" "You could find teaching at home; or you could go into the church.

For with the coming of the cold weather, last winter, Francois and Whinstane Sandy took to trapping, to fill in the farm-work hiatus.

And last, not least, one of the greatest improvements we have had in steam propulsion is the screw. Again, I may also name the great advantage derived from steam by our farmers in thrashing out grain. The engines principally used in farm-work are what are termed high-pressure, or of the same class as the locomotive.

The Squire helped the little fellow in his studies, and he entered the second grade of the near-by Beloit High School the fall before he was fourteen. The train-schedule was so arranged that he could return home every night; though, whenever the Squire felt that the farm-work justified it, and there was no occasion for his honorable court, they would drive to town together.

Then he sat down on the doorstep, put his cage of mice on the ground, and began to whistle; his bright eyes keenly observing Frank from top to toe meanwhile, and finally resting on his thick hobnailed boots. Then he asked briefly: "Farm-work?" "I'd ratherly get any other," answered Frank. And feeling it his turn to make some inquiries, he said: "What do yer carry them mice fur?"