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Tell them I come to redress their wrongs not, heaven knows, to add to their burden." The long-drawn gurgle of the practised public speaker pleased them much. "That is how the new water-tap runs out in the kennel," said Farag. "The Excellency Our Governor entertains him that he may make sport. Make him say the mirth-moving speech." "What did he say about my land-titles?"

"It seems about enough," the Inspector answered. Farag, kennel-huntsman, entered the saloon, as was his privilege. "My uncle, who was beaten by the Father of Waterwheels, would approach, O Excellency," he said, "and there are others on the bank." "Admit," said the Governor. There tramped aboard sheikhs and villagers to the number of seventeen.

East put me to the dire necessity of sliding off Farag and running to the rescue. The plateau was broken off in front and became a precipice which, Cleopatra seemed to think, would not have existed had "Antoun" arrived in tune to arrange it. Great wind came roaring up again about noon. Feared to learn that it had been impossible to get luncheon-tent in position.

They would pass over the brow into the dewless crops where Gihon, low and shrunken, could only guess what they were about when Abu Hussein flew down the bank to scratch at a stopped earth, and flew back into the barley again. As Farag had foretold, it was evil days for Abu Hussein ere he learned to take the necessary steps and to get away crisply.

Listen!" Abdul chanted. "The afflicted of God will now make sport. Presently he will speak in your tongue, and will consume you with mirth. I have been his servant for three weeks. I will tell you about his undergarments and his perfumes for his head." He told them at length. "And didst thou take any of his perfume bottles?" said Farag at the end. "I am his servant. I took two," Abdul replied.

Who remembers the kill in the market-place, when the Governor bade the assembled sheikhs and warriors observe how the hounds would instantly devour the body of Abu Hussein; but how, when he had scientifically broken it up, the weary pack turned from it in loathing, and Farag wept because he said the world's face had been blackened?

He told me on the steamer that he was driven out of his own land by Demah-Kerazi which is a devil inhabiting crowds and assemblies," said Abdul. "Allah between us and evil!" a woman cackled from the darkness of a hut. "Come in, children, he may have the Evil Eye." "No, my aunt," said Farag. "No afflicted of God has an evil eye. Wait till ye hear his mirth-provoking speech which he will deliver.

If an earth were overlooked, it meant some dispute as to the ownership of the land, and then and there the Hunt checked and settled it in this wise: The Governor and the Inspector side by side, but the latter half a horse's length to the rear; both bare-shouldered claimants well in front; the villagers half-mooned behind them, and Farag with the pack, who quite understood the performance, sitting down on the left.

The Arab writer, Abul Farag, to whose references we owe the definite placing of the time when Paul lived, said that "he had special experience in women's diseases, and had devoted himself to them with great industry and success. The midwives of the time were accustomed to go to him and ask his counsel with regard to accidents that happen during and after parturition.

"They generally take 'a nap till sunset at this time of year." Mr. Groombride's large, loose lips set. "That," he replied pointedly, "would be enough to decide me. I fear you have not quite mastered your instructions. May I ask you to send for my interpreter? I hope he has not been tampered with by your subordinates." He was a yellowish boy called Abdul, who had well eaten and drunk with Farag.