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"What hast thou done with the Israelite?" he asked in a tone so low that none but Har-hat heard him. But the fan-bearer did not doubt the earnestness in the quiet demand. "Hast thou come to trouble the king with thy petty loves, during this, the hour of war?" "Answer!" "She escaped me," the fan-bearer answered. "A lie will not save thee; the truth may plead for thee before Osiris.

The smallest Hebrew too small to be awed and yet old enough to realize that the beloved Rachel was in danger, dropped the hide he bore, and flinging himself before her, clasped her with his arms, and turned a defiant face at Har-hat over his shoulder. The fan-bearer paused. "It is the very same," he said laughingly. "The hard life of the quarries hath not robbed thee in the least of thy radiance.

Li Dsing answered: "The minister is powerful. I am afraid that we will plunge ourselves into misfortune." "He is a living corpse, in whom the breath of life grows scant," said the fan-bearer, "and we need not fear him." He asked her name, and she said it was Dschang, and that she was the oldest among her brothers and sisters.

"Now, by the gods, Har-hat!" Meneptah exclaimed angrily. "I would not have dreamed such baseness in thee!" The fan-bearer was stupefied with wrath and astonishment. Words absolutely refused to come to him. Ta-user accused him with the wide eyes of fearless righteousness. Presently she went on: "Already hath he languished eight months in prison.

Weak, shaking, sated with horror and numb with fear, Masanath attempted to return to her apartments, but at the second step she reeled. Hotep saw her. The fan-bearer was not in sight. In an instant the scribe was beside the fainting girl, supporting her, nor did he release her until she was safe in the ministering arms of Nari. As he was leaving her he commended her most solemnly to the gods.

"The fan-bearer sent his men to take her, but she fled from them to Kenkenes, and he protected her hid her away where, none but Kenkenes and the maiden know. Har-hat is most desirous of owning her, but Kenkenes keeps his counsel.

And in ten years' time a glow will rise far away to the South-east, and it shall be a sign that I have reached my goal. Then you may pour a libation of wine in the direction of the South-east, to wish me good fortune!" Then, one after another, he had his servitors and slave-girls greet Li Dsing and the fan-bearer, and said to them: "This is your master and your mistress!"

Hast thou spoken truly?" "I have said, as Osiris hears me. Have done; I have no more time for thee!" "Stand thou there! I have not done with thee." The thin nostril of the fan-bearer expanded and quivered wrathfully. "Have a care, thou insolent!" he exclaimed. Kenkenes did not seem to hear him. He had turned toward Meneptah.

Mind thee, I know it to be but a maiden fancy which, discouraged, dies. But have a care lest it bring disaster upon him whom thou hast put in jeopardy of the fierce power of the prince." Masanath's eyes widened with terror. The fan-bearer continued: "I have but to mention the name of Hotep " She clutched at her heart. "Ah?" he observed with mild interrogation in the word. "How foolish thy caprice!

With these words he mounted his mule and rode away, and he rode so swiftly that he seemed to be flying. The fan-bearer said to him: "He is not a pleasant customer to deal with. I noticed that at first he had no good intentions. That is why I united him to us by bonds of relationship." Then they set out together for Taiyuanfu, and at the appointed place, sure enough, they met Dragonbeard.