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The provost answered with another sagacious shake of his head, that would have done honour to Lord Burleigh in the CRITIC. 'Well, then, continued Fairford, is it not possible that, in the mistaken belief that Mr. Latimer was a spy, he may, upon such suspicion, have caused him to be carried off and confined somewhere?

Away ran Dick Gardener with this message; and, in a few minutes, lights were seen to flit about, which convinced Fairford, who was now, in consequence of the halt, a little restored to self-possession, that they were traversing the front of a tolerably large mansion-house. 'What if thy friend, Dick Gardener, comes not back again? said Jephson to Skelton.

Ye see, we will suppose that any friend like yourself were in the deepest hole of the Nith, sand making a sprattle for your life. Now, you see, such being the case, I have little chance of helping you, being a fat, short-armed man, and no swimmer, and what would be the use of my jumping in after you? 'I understand you, I think, said Alan Fairford.

'Surely, replied the priest, smiling at the young lawyer's readiness; 'in the eye of those who acknowledge the justice of the attainder but that do not I. However, sir, here is the guarantee look at its contents, and do not again carry the letters of Uriah. Fairford read these words:

Alan Fairford could not help thinking that this obligation to secrecy gave a new and suspicious colouring to the whole transaction; but, considering that his friend's release might depend upon his accepting the condition, he gave it in the terms proposed, and with the purpose of abiding by it. 'And now, sir, he said, 'whither am I to proceed with this letter? Is Mr. Herries at Brokenburn?

Fairford, though uneasy in his mind at finding himself, a lawyer, so close to a character so lawless, thought it best, nevertheless, to put a good face on the matter, and asked Mr. Ewart, with as much unconcern as he could assume, 'whether he was fortunate as a rover? 'No, no d n it, no, replied Nanty; 'the devil a crumb of butter was ever churned that would stick upon my bread.

The old man started, as if from a trance, and before answering, surveyed the querist with a keen penetrating glance, which seemed to say, 'Are you really in possession of this key to my confidence, or do you speak from mere accident? To this keen look of scrutiny, Fairford replied by a smile of intelligence.

Yet in the drawing-room, with the ladies, where Mrs. Fairford came and sat by her, the spirit of caution once more prevailed. She wanted to be noticed but she dreaded to be patronized, and here again her hostess's gradations of tone were confusing. Mrs.

'And my friend, said Alan Fairford, 'for whose sake I have run myself into this danger, what is to become of him? Dark and dangerous man! he exclaimed, raising his voice, I will not be again cajoled by deceitful promises'

So saying, he suddenly turned on Alan Fairford the light side of the lantern he carried, who, by the transient gleam which it threw in passing on the man who bore it, saw a huge figure, upwards of six feet high, with a rough hairy cap on his head, and a set of features corresponding to his bulky frame. He thought also he observed pistols at his belt. 'I will answer for this gentleman, said Mr.