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'If pa knew I did this, he'd expire with horror, she said, sagely nodding her head. 'Wouldn't be much loss if he did, replied Vandeloup, lazily, glancing at her pretty face from under his eyelashes; 'your father has a great many faults, dear. 'Oh, "The Elect" think him perfect, said Kitty, wisely.

"I have eyelashes so have you," looking down at hers with a very taking expression. Hers were in fact nice ones. "But ours are not two inches long and they don't make a big soft circle round our eyes when we look at anyone." "Please look up and let me see," said Donal. "When I asked you to dance with me I thought " What a "way" he had, Sara Studleigh was thinking.

Weston to him not in the least suspecting that she was addressing a lover. "The expression of the eye is most correct, but Miss Smith has not those eyebrows and eyelashes. It is the fault of her face that she has them not." "Do you think so?" replied he. "I cannot agree with you. It appears to me a most perfect resemblance in every feature. I never saw such a likeness in my life.

His eyes were small, cold, bright, and were well wadded with such thick eyebrows and eyelashes it seemed these must absorb them. I subsequently found, in a strange American book, some descriptions which may be applied to his odd expression of eye. Monsieur Edmond About's mouth was sneering and sensual, and even then affected Voltaire's sarcastic grimace.

One sometimes sees in antique fragments ivory or silver eyeballs, and hair and eyelashes made separately in thin strips and coils of metal; while occasionally the depression of the edge of the lips is sufficient to give rise to the opinion that a thin veneer of copper was applied to give colour.

There was a ground of great shadows and billowy hay; a pile of crimson apples struck out by the light through a crack; two children and a kitten asleep together in a sunbeam; a girl on the floor with a baby crawling over her; a girl in a chocolate-colored dress with yellow leaves in her hair, her hair upon her shoulders, and her eyelashes wet. "Well, Sharley!"

Rainsforth was distressed, though much relieved, and was only pacified by the engagement that Miss Durant should, when it was practicable, spend a long holiday with her friends. 'At home! said Mr. Kendal, and the responsive look of mournful gratitude from beneath the black dewy eyelashes dispelled all marvel at his son's enduring attachment. He was wonderfully patient when Mrs.

It would have been good-natured except for a look in the eyes, which shone with a watery, mawkish light under almost white, blinking eyelashes. The expression of those eyes was strangely out of keeping with his somewhat womanish figure, and gave it something far more serious than could be guessed at first sight.

Of course, Miss Nita'd do it all right; but she just won't! And somebody must!" "It is full time," the Doctor agreed; "but it looks a big load for your shoulders." "Oh, I don't mind this!" Polly said brightly. "It was hard, going to Mr. Parcell's; but this is different, you know." "Decidedly different." Polly glanced up from under her eyelashes.

And so the dream lay undisturbed under her eyelashes, and she breasted the slope of the big mountain with a buoyant step, oblivious of fatigue.