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Riley adjusted his own mask, and he did it thoroughly. Out of his vest he ripped a section of black lining, and, having cut eyeholes, he fastened the upper edge of the cloth under the brim of his hat and tied the loose ends behind his head. Red, white, blue, black, and polka dot was that quaint array of masks.

So it was that Sara Lee saw, for the last time, the miller and his son, Maurice; saw them, but did not know them, for over their heads were bags of their own sacking, with eyeholes roughly cut in them. Their hands were bound, and three soldiers were waiting to take them away.

"And mamma says we are not to tell each other what we're going to be," said Dorothy; "we're to wear long dominoes over our frocks, and we'll dance and play games, just peeping through eyeholes to see where we're going." "And nobody'll know who anybody is," chimed in Nancy, "for Mrs.

They were large, and went easily over his shoes. "Now the black robe, just behind you." He took it from its peg, and slipped into it. "Cover your head and face with the hood." He did as directed, finding the eyeholes with his fingers. "Hide your hands in the sleeves. Now, listen. I'm going to keep them busy looking at the curtains.

For example, the first time you answered 'hole' when I said 'auger, but the second time you answered 'hammer. You said to yourself: 'Hole is not a good answer because he will think I am thinking, of those eyeholes, so I'll change it to "hammer" which, means nothing. For the same reason when I said 'Fourth of July' you answered 'banquet' the first time and 'America' the second time, which shows that the Ansonia banquet was in your mind.

"No," said the prisoner impassively, but the column was pulsing wildly. "You have been in this room?" "Never." "Nor looked through these eyeholes?" "No." "Nor seen that man lying on the floor?" "No." Now the prisoner's heart was beating evenly again, somehow he had regained his self-possession. "You are lying, Groener," accused the judge. "You remember this man perfectly.

My heart beat till my head was in a tumultuous whirl, when thus, at last, I stepped out of that house but I suppose my grim robes cloaked my emotions though, seeing very clearly through the eyeholes, it was almost incredible to me that I was not myself seen.

"You can't see it," explained Perry, peering anxiously out through the eyeholes, "but honestly, ole man, you look sim'ly great! Honestly!" A grunt from the hump acknowledged this somewhat dubious compliment. "Honestly, you look great!" repeated Perry enthusiastically. "Move round a little."

"'At one horribly critical moment she pointed in the direction of her husband's room; he had turned in his sleep, and she alone had heard the rustle of the sheets, the creaking of the bed or of the curtain. We all paused, and the lover and the waiting-woman, through the eyeholes of their masks, gave each other a look that said, "If he wakes, shall we kill him?"

Then I saw that there were eyeholes in the wall, which pierced it, and were hidden on the farther side by carved work in stone. I looked through the hole that was in front of me, and I saw this: six cubits below was the level of the floor of another chamber, lit with fragrant lamps, and most richly furnished.