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Lady Theobald, having been making calls of state, was returning home rather later than usual, when, in driving up High Street, her eye fell upon Miss Bassett's garden. She put up her eyeglasses, and gazed through them severely; then she issued a mandate to her coachman. "Dobson," she said, "drive more slowly." She could not believe the evidence of her own eyeglasses.

Just the same I thought poets wore whiskers and eyeglasses, an' never tripped up foot-racers at Sunday picnics, nor run around with as few clothes on as the law allows, gatherin' mussels an' climbin' like goats."

She would be glad to learn anything monsieur would teach her, but what she had tried to explain to madame was that she already knew the words in this book and she held out the little book of phrases. When she began to speak Miss Minchin started quite violently and sat staring at her over her eyeglasses, almost indignantly, until she had finished.

"Here they are, and they're both asleep, too!" he called. "And bless my eyeglasses! Look at the airship! The planes and wings are all cut and slashed! Something has happened! The RED CLOUD is all but ruined!" Abe hastened to his side. He looked at the damage done, and a fierce look came over his face. "The Fogers again!" he murmured. "We'll pay 'em back for this!

The other, with the eyeglasses and no gloves, is Mac, the odd one, just out of college." "And the boy?" "Oh, he is Jamie, the youngest brother of Archibald, and the pet of the whole family. Mercy on us he'll be in if they don't hold on to him!"

"Every one to his taste," said Percy, "and I can't bear father's business, for one." "No, you'd rather sit up with your glasses stuck on your nose, and learn how to dole out the law; that's you, Percy. I say, I wouldn't try to keep the things on," with a laugh as he saw his brother's ineffectual efforts to pack, and yet give the attention to his eyeglasses that they seemed to demand.

We had omelettes and native wine and black bread and got warm again and then trotted home in the rain and got wet again, so we stopped at the guard house on the outside of the rock and took tea with the officer in charge and we all got down on our knees around his fire and he hobbled around dropping his eyeglasses in his hot water and very much honored and exceedingly embarrassed.

Vandover, as you requested me to, and I have taken the liberty of sending for you to let you know exactly how you stand." "That's the idea, sir," said Vandover, very attentive, drawing up his chair. Mr. Field took a great package of oblong papers from the small table that stood at the head of his bed, and looked them over, adjusting his eyeglasses.

Maybe so; but where they find back-number hats like that is beyond me. Then there was the buff-cochin spats and the wide ribbon to his eyeglasses. Beyond that I don't know as there was anything real freaky about him. A rich-colored old gent he is, the pink in his cheeks shadin' off into a deep mahogany tint back of his ears, makin' his frosted hair and mustache stand out some prominent.

For God made all women, though He only turned out a few of 'em perfect, and some only just a little better than the ruck." He roused himself from the brown study that brought into relief many lurking lines and furrows in the thin, keen face, as the Chief Medical Officer, fixing him through suspicious eyeglasses, demanded: "Ye got your full allowance o' sleep last nicht?" He nodded.