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Their healthy and spontaneous activity is the soul of ministerial work; and this is stimulated by the sense of responsibility to fill the sphere allotted to us and exhaust its possibilities. But, besides the sense of duty, there is a stimulus of a still more affecting kind which comes to a man when he is set over a congregation of his own.

Exhaust steam enters at the left-hand side through the pipe E, condensing water issuing through the pipe D at the opposite side.

But though badly shaken, it was yet far from coming down. "Do not the corruptions and villainies of men," said Swift to his friend Delaney, "eat your flesh and exhaust your spirits?" They certainly gnawed at the heart of the courageous Dean, but at the same time, they excited rather than exhausted his spirits.

He believed, and sincerely, that he was approaching the grand result, at the very moment when he perished from want of the common precautions which a tyro in chemistry would have taken. At his death the gaudy city became hateful; all its pretended pleasures only served to exhaust life the faster.

He thought that, apart from the soft light of the ikon lamp, that beamed upon their quiet domestic happiness, that apart from this little world in which he and this cat lived so peacefully and happily, there was another world. . . . And he had a passionate, poignant longing to be in that other world, to work himself at some factory or big workshop, to address big audiences, to write, to publish, to raise a stir, to exhaust himself, to suffer. . . . He wanted something that would engross him till he forgot himself, ceased to care for the personal happiness which yielded him only sensations so monotonous.

There is still another joy which every one of us must covet the sense of entering into the intellectual riches of the world, its wonders of science and art and letters, with the feeling that we have a part in a great treasure, a treasure which, unlike gold and precious stones, men have never been able to gauge or to exhaust.

'But, Felix, repeated fourpences must exhaust even that Fortunatus' purse of Admiral Chester's. Felix coloured. 'Yes, Papa, I wanted to tell you; but I waited till you were better. 'You will hardly find a better time than the present, said Mr Underwood. 'It is only this, said Felix, with a little hesitation.

III. Finally, we note the higher view into which, by faith, we come. I have been saying, with perhaps vain repetition, that the words of our text and context do not exhaust the whole truth of man's relation to God.

And, in the face of the warmth of the tropic night, the wind, added to the speed of the boat, chilled them through their wet clothes. "Now I know why she was named the Chill," Habert observed betwixt chattering teeth. But conversation languished during the nearly three hours of drive through the darkness. Once, by the exhaust, they knew that they passed an unlighted launch bound down stream.

When you enter the gaol, there is probably laid up in your lungs a certain store of fresh, free air, which takes some time to exhaust itself; but soon you begin to draw your breath more and more slowly, and to feel that the atmosphere inhaled no longer refreshes you; no wonder it is laden with compressed animal life.