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Had he been less occupied with his own thoughts he would have noticed that Clare was not herself; at first she talked excitedly without waiting for his answers there were her usual enthusiasms and excitements.

Let her go; she won't trouble you nor, I reckon, ANYBODY, much longer." "What do you mean, Dick?" "I mean she has regularly exhausted and burnt herself out with her hysterics and excitements, and the drugs she's taken to subdue them to say nothing of the Panama fever she got last spring.

For the most part, in this tropic whaling life, a sublime uneventfulness invests you; you hear no news; read no gazettes; extras with startling accounts of commonplaces never delude you into unnecessary excitements; you hear of no domestic afflictions; bankrupt securities; fall of stocks; are never troubled with the thought of what you shall have for dinner for all your meals for three years and more are snugly stowed in casks, and your bill of fare is immutable.

"My son," the merchant said reverently, his hands outstretched over his boy, "the Almighty keep and guard thee; may the blessing of thy father and thy mother follow thee wherever thou goest." "Amen," the son responded. He rose and stood before his parent with bent head. The old man exhorted him gravely on the dangers before him on the ruffians and lures of Paris, and the excitements of youth.

Margaret, at any rate, was a little tired with the multiform excitements of her summer, and experienced a feeling of relief when she crossed her own threshold and entered into the freedom and quiet of her home. She was able to shut the door there even against the solicitations of nature and against the weariness of it also.

The large sums he had put by for Margaret gave him ample means for debauchery, and he sought for a moment's oblivion in the excitements of the hour. "Ghysbrecht lives; Margaret dies!" he would try out. "Curse life, curse death, and whosoever made them what they are!" His heart deteriorated along with his morals, and he no longer had patience for his art, as the habits of pleasure grew on him.

And then he knew there was danger in now trying to climb the jagged edges of the Old Man's Chimney. His nerves were shaken by the excitements of the day; he was fagged out by his long tramp; the wind was beginning to surge among the trees; it might blow him from his uncertain foothold. But when it gained more strength, might it not drive Nick, helpless with his broken arm, from that high ledge?

Then imagination comes and builds it up solidly with bricks and wall-papers.... He told them a great deal more, but it cannot be certain that they heard it all, for there were other Excitements about besides their cousin the fire, the time, the place, and above all, this marvellous coming of the darkness.

We cannot doubt, indeed, for experience amply attests, that the religious sensibilities of childhood have often been sadly impaired in the progress from youth to manhood, and that, after the tumultuous excitements, whether of speculation or of passion, not a few have sought a refuge from their fears in the cold negations of Atheism. But is this the law of development and progress?

The occasion was more agreeable for possessing that sense of aloofness one feels at being on the edge, yet safely beyond the reach, of a little city's night diversions and excitements. "I suppose you've nothing dutiable," one said, knowing we had left Havana unexpectedly soon. "Nothing," Tommy volunteered. "But, yes," Monsieur exclaimed. "I shall declare!"