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If he'd only let me, I'd like to pose him a bit." Mrs. Nairn, with Evelyn's assistance, did so instead, rearranging the cushions about the man, in spite of his confused and half-indignant protests; and during the next half-hour the room was generally full. People walked in, made sympathetic inquiries, or exchanged cheerful banter, until Mrs. Nairn forcibly dismissed the last of them.

She was half afraid that this irrepressible young man might offer to kiss her. "Good-night," she said, and almost slammed the door in his face. Aunt Maria had left a light burning low on the hall table. Maria took it and went up-stairs. She gathered up the skirt of her gown into a bag to hold the presents, hers and Evelyn's.

"Pretend," said Sister Mary John, "not to see him." Evelyn did as she was bidden, and, satisfied that he was no longer observed, the bird plunged his beak into Evelyn's hair, pulled at it as hard as he could, and then flew away, cawing with delight. "That is one of his favourite tricks. We are so fond of him, and so afraid that one day a cat will take him.

This gentleman, Mr. Gustavus Douce, had been named, with Lumley, joint trustee to Evelyn's fortune. They had full powers to invest it in whatever stock seemed most safe or advantageous. The trustees appeared well chosen, as one, being destined to share the fortune, would have the deepest interest in its security; and the other, from his habits and profession, would be a most excellent adviser.

When she raised her eyes from it her face wore an expression of mingled horrified suspicion and unbelief. Surely it could not be possible, and yet before her mental eyes flashed the vision of that wet January afternoon when she had come back to Harlowe House from her Christmas vacation and had been greeted by the sound of Evelyn's sobs as she passed her door.

"Anne," she said, "do you think you could look after Colin if I went up to Evelyn's for a week or two?" Evelyn was Adeline's sister. She lived in London. "Of course I can." "You aren't afraid of being alone with him?" "Afraid? Of Col-Col? What do you take me for?" "Well " Adeline meditated. "It isn't as if Mrs. Benning wasn't here." Mrs. Benning was the housekeeper.

"Don't feel a bit like being a missionary!" growled Just. "Suppose I've got to try it, to please you. Evelyn's all right, isn't she?" "Yes, she's a dear. I'm so glad we kept her. That makes me realise she's had quite enough excitement for to-night. I must carry her off to bed. Perhaps you'd all better " "No, you don't!" said Just, with a rebellious laugh.

I never feel more absolutely quiet than sometimes when I am laughing at Constance Evelyn's mad sallies and sometimes I cannot laugh at them. I do not know what they must think of me; it is what they can have no means of understanding." "I wish you didn't understand it either, Fleda." "But you shouldn't say that.

Her singing and acting went hand in hand, twin sisters, equal and indivisible, and when the great moment in the trio came, she stepped forward and with an inspired intensity lifted her quivering hands above her head in a sort of mad ecstasy, and sang out the note clear and true, yet throbbing with emotion." The paper slid from Evelyn's hand.

Was Mademoiselle Helbrun a success?" "No, mademoiselle, I'm afraid not." "Ah!" Evelyn put down her cup and looked at her maid. "I'm sorry, but I thought she wouldn't succeed in London. She was coldly received, was she?" "Yes, mademoiselle." "I'm sorry, for she's a true artist." "She has not the passion of mademoiselle." A little look of pleasure lit up Evelyn's face. "She is a charming singer.