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Sheffield is the great arsenal of her armaments. Sheffield cases ships of war with iron plates a foot thick; but that is nothing, in pounds avoirdupois, compared with the weight of steel it spins into elastic springs for casing the skirts of two hundred millions of the fair Eugenie's sex and lieges in the two hemispheres.

Fenwick, there are those who who are really starved really forsaken really trampled under foot by those they love! Her voice broke. She stood gazing straight before her, quivering with the passion of recollection. Phoebe looked up awed remembering what John had said, so long ago, of the unhappy marriage, the faithless and cruel husband. But Eugénie's hand touched her again.

The pure, the proud, the immaculate Eugenie! "There is! and in madame's chamber!" he faltered unconsciously. Eugenie's quick apprehensions seized the foul thought. Her eyes flashed her cheek crimsoned. But her lofty and generous nature conquered even the indignant and scornful burst that rushed to her lips. The truth! could she trust the man?

The writer had by bribery succeeded in getting places in an entresol window under the archway, and was greatly impressed to see those four great ones laughing and joking together over Eugenie's trouble in getting her hoops into the narrow chair! What changes have come to that laughing group!

"She is right," said Madame Grandet; "it ought to have been mended long ago. Yesterday Eugenie nearly twisted her ankle." "Here," said Grandet to Nanon, seeing that she looked quite pale, "as it is Eugenie's birthday, and you came near falling, take a little glass of ratafia to set you right." "Faith!

The room is a model of luxury and elegance, and is called the Chamber of the Five Maries because it has been inhabited by five sovereigns bearing that name, Maria de' Medici, Maria Theresa, Marie Antoinette, Marie Louise, and Marie Amelie. It was also the Empress Eugenie's chamber.

"When it concerns mademoiselle," said the abbe, armed with his own bouquet, "every day is a fete-day for my nephew." The abbe kissed Eugenie's hand. As for Maitre Cruchot, he boldly kissed her on both cheeks, remarking: "How we sprout up, to be sure! Every year is twelve months."

The people in the yard of the mansion parted, and the General himself walked proudly out of the gate to the curb, where his charger was pawing the gutter. For an instant he stood transfixed to the spot, with one leg in the air. Then he took it down again and spoke to a young officer of his staff, who smiled and began to walk toward them. Little Eugenie's knees trembled.

During dinner the father, delighted to see his Eugenie looking well in a new gown, exclaimed: "As it is Eugenie's birthday let us have a fire; it will be a good omen." "Mademoiselle will be married this year, that's certain," said la Grande Nanon, carrying away the remains of the goose, the pheasant of tradesmen.

Well then, he believes, does not he, that Jehovah filled men with the spirit of wisdom to help them make a suit of clothes for Aaron! Fellowes, after a pause, replied: That is certainly written in the 28th chapter of Exodus. Now, my fine fellow! Rogers. If Aaron's toggery needed one portion of the spirit of wisdom from Jehovah, how many portions does the Empress Eugenie's best crinoline need?