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Long before the united rule of the hostile brothers Ptolemy Philometor and Euergetes whose violent end will be narrated to the reader of this story Greek influence was marked in every event and detail of Egyptian life, which had remained almost unaffected by the characteristics of former conquerors the Hyksos, the Assyrians and the Persians; and, under the Ptolemies, the most inhospitable and exclusive nation of early antiquity threw open her gates to foreigners of every race.

The population of the city, who looked upon it less as a home than as a place of trade in which they could follow their callings with the greatest gain, seemed to quit Alexandria as easily as they had come there under Ptolemy Soter; and Euergetes, who was afraid that he should soon be left to reign over a wilderness, made new laws in favour of trade and of strangers who would settle there.

At these words Cleopatra's pale cheeks were suddenly dyed with a crimson glow, and clenching her little hands she struck them together, and exclaimed with flashing eyes: "I hoped so!" Euergetes withdrew a step from his sister, and said: "You were right. It is not only among the race of gods that the most fearful of all are women!" "What have you to say?" retorted Cleopatra.

I have disturbed you in grave studies no doubt; what is the book you are rolling up, fair Zoe?" "The sacred book of the Jews, Sire," replied Zoe; "one that I know you do not love." "And you who read Homer, Pindar, Sophocles, and Plato do you like it?" asked Euergetes.

He held a sealed roll or despatch in his right hand, and, while he bowed respectfully to Cleopatra, he seemed entirely to overlook the hands King Euergetes held out in welcome. After his first greeting had been disdained by the Roman, Euergetes would not have offered him a second if his life had depended on it.

There lies the document, drawn up in red and black ink on yellow papyrus and ratified with the seal and signature of Euergetes the Second. All the princes of the Lagides have confirmed it, all the Roman prefects have respected it, and now now." "But father" said the girl interrupting her father, and wringing her hands in despair, "you still hold the place and if you will only give in."

"They were waiting for Octavianus, who was still in the hypostyle of Euergetes receiving the homage of the epitrop, the members of the Council, the gymnasiarch, and I know not how many others. "Phryxus said that on Caesar's entry he had held out his hand to his former tutor, bade him accompany him, and commanded that his sons should be presented.

The birthday of Cleopatra was at hand, and it was to be celebrated in Alexandria with the usual pomp; and Euergetes, putting the head, hands, and feet of his son Memphites into a box, sent it to Alexandria by a messenger, who had orders to deliver it to Cleopatra in the midst of the feast, when the nobles and ambassadors were making their accustomed gifts.

"First I demand a free pardon for Philotas of Syracuse, 'relative of the king, and president of the body of the Chrematistes, his immediate release, with his wife, from their forced labor, and their return from the mines." "They both are dead," said Euergetes, "my brother can vouch for it."

On the death of Philometor, his widow, Cleopatra, and some of the chief men of Alexandria proclaimed his young son king, most likely under the name of Ptolemy Eupator; but Euergetes, whose claim was favoured by the mob, marched from Cyrene to Alexandria to seize the crown of Egypt.