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Anthus pallescens, VIG. and HORSF. Cincloramphus cantillans, GOULD. Petroica multicolor, SWAINS. phoenicea, GOULD. Goodenovii, JARD. AND SELB. rosea, GOULD. bicolor, SWAINS. Drymodes brunneopygia, GOULD. Zosterops dorsalis, VIG. and HORSF. Pardalotus punctatus, TEMM. striatus, TEMM. Dicaeum hirundinaceum Estrelda bella. temporalis.

Among birds, the small ground-dove, Geopelia striata, and the curious bronze-coloured magpie, Crypsirhina varians, are common to Java and Siam; while there are in Java species of Pteruthius, Arrenga, Myiophonus, Zoothera, Sturnopastor, and Estrelda, the near allies of which are found in various parts of India, while nothing like them is known to inhabit Borneo or Sumatra.

Esquimaux, their belief in the inheritance of dexterity in seal-catching; mode of life of. Estrelda amandava, pugnacity of the male. Eubagis, sexual differences of colouring in the species of. Euchirus longimanus, sound produced by. Eudromias morinellus. Eulampis jugularis, colours of the female. Euler, on the rate of increase in the United States.