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Having passed through the Old Channel, or rather the Channel of San Nicolas, between Cruz del Padre and the bank of the Cayos de Sel, the lowest of which furnish springs of fresh water, we again find the coast, from Punta de Icacos to Cabanas, free from danger. It affords, in the interval, the anchorage of Matanzas, Puerto Escondido, the Havannah and Mariel.

His friend helped him to the ground. The wound was in the thigh. "I'll tie it up for you an' you'll be good as new," promised his friend. The older man looked toward the gorge. No Indians were in sight. "I can wait, but that little girl in the hands of those devils can't. Are you game to play a lone hand, kid?" he asked. "I reckon." "Then ride hell-for-leather up Escondido.

A town in Ciudad Real province, Spain. Tr. The italicized words are in English in the original. Tr. A Spanish hero, whose chief exploit was the capture of Gibraltar from the Moors in 1308. Tr. Tr. In the original the message reads: "Español escondido casa Padre Florentino cojera remitirá vivo muerto."

What I say is that some day we'll all be brave enough to go without our hog-legs. I'll be glad when that day comes." "An' when you two went up Escondido Cañon after the Mescaleros that had captured Miss Roubideau? I heard Dad Wrayburn tellin' all about it at supper here one night. Well, what if you hadn't had any guns?" persisted Bud.

It's shorter than the way they took. Where the gulches come together be waitin' an' git 'em from the brush. There's just one slim chance you'll make it an' come back alive." The boy's eyes were shining. "Suits me fine. I'll go earn that name I christened myself Jimmie-Go-Get-'Em." Billie, his face twisted with pain, watched the youngster disappear at a breakneck gallop into Escondido.

Not contented with getting the doctor to set Sneezer's starboard foreleg, he insists on bringing him away from amongst the people at the capstan house." De Captain dere cannot laugh, dat is if him will only tink on dat fearful cove at Puerto Escondido, and what Sneezer did for bote of we dere."

"The smoke might discover us, brother," said Antonio, "I am desirous of lying escondido in this place until the arrival of the messenger."

There is a place in the back country near Escondido, where at the time of the harvest moon an Indian play with music is given every year. At Easter thousands of people go up Mount Rubidoux, near Riverside, for the sunrise service. Some celebrated singer usually takes part and it is very lovely quite unlike anything else.

When we reached the summit, it was fast darkening, and I pressed on as rapidly as the led horse would permit. Finally, I reached Escondido at seven. Several large parties of packers, with their trains of mules, had already settled for the night; camp-fires were burning. Here and there drinking had been going on, and there was noise of loud laughter, singing and dancing.

"The man at the last stop we made told me his roses bloomed the year round," said Patsy, "And just smell the orange blossoms, will you! Aren't they sweet, and don't they remind you of brides?" From Escondido it was a short run to the sea and their first glimpse of the majestic Pacific was from a high bluff overhanging the water.