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This will make available thousands of unfilled openings which I recommend be distributed to Greece and Italy and to escapees from behind the Iron Curtain. Once again I ask the Congress to join with me in demonstrating our belief in the right of suffrage.

This will make available thousands of unfilled openings which I recommend be distributed to Greece and Italy and to escapees from behind the Iron Curtain. Once again I ask the Congress to join with me in demonstrating our belief in the right of suffrage.

It was plain he did not take anything to heart. Feb. 28. As I pass'd the military headquarters of the city, not far from the President's house, I stopt to interview some of the crowd of escapees who were lounging there. In appearance they were the same as previously mention'd. Two of them, one about 17, and the other perhaps 25 or '6, I talk'd with some time.

Didn't care about coat or hat fixings. Wanted a chance to wash himself well, and put on the underclothes. I had the very great pleasure of helping him to accomplish all those wholesome designs. March 1st. Plenty more butternut or clay-color'd escapees every day. About 160 came in to-day, a large portion South Carolinians.

He also bitterly attacked whites for thinking that they knew best what was good for the African. He concluded that both friend and foe shared the same prejudices. The Underground Railroad was another project which involved large numbers of whites. Besides providing financial backing for it, they worked as conductors and station masters. They helped runaways to safety, and they sheltered escapees.

The story of Kellerman's escape from that hell upon earth, the prison of He Nou, in New Caledonia, was well known to Monk, and had filled him with pity, for the man before him was the only survivor of a party of five escapees who had landed at Cape Flattery; the others were killed and eaten by the blacks.

But all his arguments were in vain they shook their heads and said that never, again would they go, willingly or unwillingly, upon the deep sea. Then the supercargo and Topsail-tie made their plans, and after spending another hour or so with the escapees, Flemming shook hands with them all, and guided by Nobal, returned to the base of the mountain.

Suddenly Hannah, who was scanning the strange boat very closely, turned to me quietly and said, 'I don't like the looks of that boat. We had better not let them come alongside. Perhaps they're escapees from New Caledonia. I thought so at first they've got the regular "Ile Nou stroke." If they try to board we must beat them off, or we may lose the ship.

Along this week I saw some such procession, more or less in numbers, every day, as they were brought up by the boat. The government does what it can for them, and sends them north and west. Feb. 27. Some three or four hundred more escapees from the confederate army came up on the boat. Their apparel is the same ragged, long-worn motley as before described. I talk'd with a number of the men.