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They," he added, nodding in the direction of the carver and his half-dozen henchmen, "are all deaf as well as mute, so we need have no fear of them." "What treasures," ejaculated young Escanes with wondering eyes fixed upon his lucky host; "where didst get them, Caius Nepos? By the gods, I would I could get an army of deaf-mute slaves."

A word from him to the crowd and the new Cæsar is assured of peace within the city." "Then do thou tell him what has been decided," said one of the others who was busy smoothing his tangled hair. "No, no!" whispered cautious Ancyrus, the elder, "have a care ... thou, Caius Nepos, must probe him ere thou speakest." "Tell him naught of Escanes' dagger," added another hurriedly.

Who knows how long this same semblance would have been kept up on this occasion? for Hortensius Martius, obviously a slave to Dea Flavia's beauty, was ready to do battle for the glorification of his idol, whilst Escanes, smarting under the clumsy insult, had much ado to keep his rage within bounds.

"Their names," she murmured, "tell me their names." "I know but a few." "Which are they?" "They speak of Hortensius Martius." "Oh!" "And of young Escanes ... also of Philario, my servant." "Ye gods," she exclaimed, "let your judgments fall upon them." "And of Taurus Antinor the praefect of Rome," added the Cæsar, and a savage snarl escaped his lips even when he spoke the name.

When Taurus Antinor reached the topmost step Caligula caught sight of him, and the intensity of his rage was such that his cheeks turned livid and blotchy and hoarse inarticulate sounds escaped his panting throat. Even at this same moment the group composed of Escanes and the others seemed to sway in a mass toward the tribune of the Cæsar.

Slaves were called for loudly to undo the tunics and to help cast off all but the necessary garments. Every face round the table now was flushed and moist; every forehead streaming with perspiration. Escanes, goblet in hand, was singing a ribald song, the chorus of which was taken up by the group of young men nearest to him.

"They will be here anon; but some declared that much rubbish would have to be sold ere the choice bargains be put up. Escanes wants a cook who can fry a capon in a special way they wot of in Gaul. Stuffed with ortolans and covered with the juice of three melons Escanes says it is mightily pleasing to the palate." "There is no cook from Gaul on the list," interposed the praefect curtly.

Now that she was present he soon forgot his quarrel; neither Escanes nor the rest of the world existed since Dea Flavia was nigh. He pushed his way through her crowd of courtiers and was the first to reach her litter even as she put her dainty feet to the ground.

Hortensius Martius, the perfumed exquisite, was now like an angry cockbird on the defence, whilst Escanes, taller and stronger than he, was clenching his fists, trying to keep up that outward semblance of patrician decorum which the dignity of his caste demanded in the presence of the plebs.

For the moment they had accepted him as their future Emperor and were prepared to acclaim him as Cæsar when Escanes had done his work. It was at this moment that Caligula recovered from his swoon. His lust of revenge and of hate brought him back to reality.