United States or British Indian Ocean Territory ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He possessed some twenty more German words, and knew that "beer" was represented by the same sound as in English. The equipment seemed to him sufficient for the interview. "I have the good fortune to speak English easily," said Von Edelstein. "Am I addressing myself to Mr. McMunn?" "Ay," said McMunn, "you are. And this is Lord Dunseverick, a baron like yourself."

During the long struggle more than five thousand citizens of Lowell were in the army and navy of the United States, and the city expended over $300,000 in equipment and bounties. The Lowell Horse Railroad Company and the First National Bank were incorporated in 1864. The French-Canadians began to settle in Lowell just after the war. In October, 1866, Dr.

Their ideas as to keeping expenses for equipment at a minimum were in perfect harmony, for Lamb as well as Dr. Harpe regarded it as a purely commercial venture. The latter, however, was disposed to regard the purchase of an X-ray machine as a profitable investment because of the impression it would make upon their private patients. "Moses!" She chortled at the notion.

She has failed to win the war while she had superior numbers, incomparably greater resources in equipment, and unrivaled supremacy in artillery. She is outnumbered, outgunned, and her foes control the sea and possess vastly greater resources in money than she can boast. The parallel of Napoleon before Leipzig, of the Confederacy after Gettysburg, is in many men's minds to-day.

Having asked permission to store some of his personal equipment in the Padré's cellar, they thought nothing of his going down there frequently. Now and then Marie was certain she heard him talking to some one down there. "One day, after the Prussians had pushed the French back close to the village this was before the Germans took the village, you understand Captain Grivelet had a talk with Marie.

Here a Captain de R became the practical man, while a Major H assumed the character of the dashing dragoon officer. The great volunteer movement having sprung into existence during the previous year, there was a vast amount of military ardour floating about among young men of all classes, and recruits offered themselves faster than funds were subscribed for their equipment.

A sense of beauty and a passionate intensity of vision being taken for granted, the one other important attribute in the equipment of the novelist the attribute which indeed by itself practically suffices, and whose absence renders futile all the rest is fineness of mind. A great novelist must have great qualities of mind.

Branch lines innumerable were flung out, crowded sections were double-tracked, grades were lowered, curves straightened, vast terminals built, steamship connections formed, and equipment doubled and trebled. In this expansion the state, as ever in Canada, took a leading share.

The purchase and equipment of the Sea Lion, taken in connection with the widow's account, were enough, of themselves, to convince one of his experience and foresight, that an expedition after seal was then fitting out, on the information derived from his deceased relative.

This was the work of Thomas Edison, and was so much better than Bell's transmitter that it enabled the Western Union to offer much better telephonic equipment. As we have seen, Bell's transmitter and receiver were very similar, being about the same as the receiver now in common use. In his transmitter Edison placed tiny bits of carbon in contact with the diaphragm.