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Having polisht off this epistol, master intrustid it to me to carry, and bade me at the same time to try and give it into Miss Griffin's hand alone. I ran with it to Lady Griffinses. I found Miss, as I desired, in a sollatary condition; and I presented her with master's pafewmed Billy. She read it, and the number of size to which she gave vint, and the tears which she shed, beggar digscription.

But one morning, in reply to a most desprat epistol wrote by my master over night, Deuceace, delighted, gits an answer from his soal's beluffd, which ran thus: "DEAREST, You say you would share a cottage with me; there is no need, luckily, for that! You plead the sad sinking of your spirits at our delayed union. Beloved, do you think MY heart rejoices at our separation?

And the rest of her adventins and the adventins of Joe I will relate in another epistol; and I will also tell whether the world come to an end or not. I know folks will want to know, and I don't love to keep folks in onxiety it hain't my way. Wall, from that night, Miss Trueman Pool attended to the meetins at the Risley school-house, stiddy and constant.

And we concluded that after dinner we would set out and see the different springs and partake of 'em. Had it not been for our almost frenzied haste to get away from parasols and dogs and destraction into a place of rest we should have beheld them sooner. And our afternoon's adventures I will relate in another epistol. We hadn't drinked a drop of it as yet. Ardelia had come over to go with us.

In the fust place, he hadn seen old Crabs for seven years, as that nobleman remarked in his epistol; in the secknd he hated him, and they hated each other; and nex, if master had loved his father ever so much, he loved somebody else better his father's son, namely: and sooner than deprive that exlent young man of a penny, he'd have sean all the fathers in the world hangin at Newgat, and all the "beloved ones," as he called his sisters, the Lady Deuceacisses, so many convix at Bottomy Bay.

But, if I do, it mustn't go no further; for Josiah would be mad, mad as a hen, if he knew I told about it. I will relate the history in another epistol. This free pass of Josiah Allen's wus indeed a strange incident, and it made sights and sights of talk. But of course there wus considerable lyin' about it, as you know the way is. Why, it does beat all how stories will grow.

And the rest of her adventins and the adventins of Joe I will relate in another epistol; and I will also tell whether the world come to an end or not. I know folks will want to know, and I don't love to keep folks in onxiety it hain't my way. Wall, from that night, Miss Trueman Pool attended to the meetins at the Risley school-house, stiddy and constant.

Why, when I hear a story nowadays, I always allow a full half for shrinkage, and sometimes three-quarters; and a good many times that hain't enough. Such awful lyin' times! It duz beat all. But about this strange thing that took place and happened, I will proceed and relate the plain and unvarnished history of it. And what I set down in this epistol, you can depend upon.

See Bayle, Art. Apollonius; and Brucker. Bishop Lloyd considers them spurious, but Olearius and Brucker show that there is good reason from internal evidence to suppose them genuine. See Olear. Addend. ad præfat. Epistol.; and Brucker, vol. ii. p. 147. Apollonius continued at Ephesus, Smyrna, etc., from A.D. 50 to about 59, and was at Rome from A.D. 63 to 66. St.