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We'd have more money to spind in entertainin' you if the government hadn't taken three million of pounds out of us to build fortifications in China." Mr. Rose. "That's all bosh and nonsense; you wouldn't know how to manage an hotel if you had the money." Mr. Shamrock. "If we can't make hotel-kapers, it's soldiers we can make; and be the same token you can't manage India or Canada widout our help!

"I enjoyed myself so much," said Mis' Holcomb-that-was-Mame-Bliss; "you look tired out. I hope it ain't been too much for you." "Entertainin' is a real job," said Mis' Sturgis, "but you do it almost as if you liked it. I enjoyed myself so much." "I'll give bail you're glad it's over," said Libbie Liberty, sympathetically, "even if it did go off nice. I enjoyed myself ever so much."

Also it was Vincent who did the rescue act when we was entertainin' that bunch of government inspectors who come around once a year to see that we ain't carryin' any wildcat stocks on our securities list, or haven't scuttled our sinking fund, or anything like that. Course, our books are always in such shape that they're welcome to paw 'em over all they like. That's easy enough.

They were anxious to know how he was getting along, and Mrs. Hampton had brought a bottle of her choicest jam for his special benefit. "It is sartinly good of yez to come," he told them. "Martha was entertainin' me by readin' the paper. It helps pass the time." "I was just reading about that poor girl who drowned herself," Mrs. Tobin explained. "Have you seen it, Miss?"