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There was a fashion for covering the private apartments of the very wealthy with metal plates beautifully embossed with repeated patterns.

He wore upon his watch-chain a small gold medallion, a trinket which had attracted my attention before. It was about the size of a sovereign, and embossed upon it were several heads of chubby cupids four sweet little faces. At first glance at him a woman might have said mentally, "What nice eyes!"

The complete bronze figure found near Curium, which is supposed to represent Apollo and is figured by Di Cesnola, is probably not the production of a Phoenician artists, but a sculpture imported from Greece. The embossed work upon cups and paterae is sometimes of great simplicity, sometimes exceedingly elaborate.

Large, flat corsage bouquets of roses, tied with satin ribbons, were laid at each lady's plate, and small boutonnieres of rosebuds were provided for the gentlemen. The cards were of heavy gilt-edge board, embossed with the national coat-of-arms in gold, below which the name of each guest was written. The Marine Band performed selections from popular operatic music.

By this, the ebony ladies had cleared the table of the crystal, and had capped it with a yellow leather mattrass, with pillows of the same, both embossed with large tufts of red silk; on this they placed one sheet, and leaving a silver apparatus at the head, they disappeared "Buenos noches, senores las camas estan listas."

It might have been only the contrast with the recollections of the night, with the prospect visible through the open door the serried lines of rain dropping aslant from the gray sky and elusively outlined against the dark masses of leafless woods that encircled the clearing; the dooryard half submerged with puddles of a clay-brown tint, embossed always with myriads of protruding drops of rain, for however they melted away the downpour renewed them, and to the eye they were stationary, albeit pervaded with a continual tremor but somehow he was cognizant of a certain coddling tenderness in the old woman's manner that might have been relished by a petted child, an unaffected friendliness in the girl's clear eyes.

There were shields, helmets, and cuirasses embossed with plates and ornaments of pure gold, with collars and bracelets of the same precious metal, sandals, fans, plumes, and crests of variegated feathers wrought with gold and silver thread and sprinkled with pearls and precious stones.

The face I revealed to him was livid with fatigue, and blackened with the dust that had caked upon my sweat. He came forward again and helped hastily to strip off my harness, and when that was done he fetched a great silver basin and a ewer of embossed gold from which he poured me fragrant rose-water that I might wash.

Permit me," and he proffered roe a richly embossed and emblazoned silver cigar-case, with the Romani arms and coronet and MY OWN INITIALS engraved thereon. It was mine, of course I took it with a sensation of grim amusement I had not seen it since the day I died! "A fine antique," I remarked, carelessly, turning it over and over in my hand, "curious and valuable. A gift or an heirloom?"

The curtains are of crimson satin, with embossed borders of gold-colour; and the sofas, bergères, fauteuils, and chairs, richly carved and gilt, are covered with satin to correspond with the curtains. Gilt consoles, and chiffonnières, with white marble tops, are placed wherever they could be disposed; and, on the chimney pieces, are fine pendules.