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All attempts to take the fort were futile, and the arrival of Major Batt and Captain Studholme with reinforcement from Windsor rendered Eddy's situation exceedingly precarious. On the 28th November his forces were utterly routed by Major Batt and hastily retired to the River St. John. They suffered great hardships on the way and arrived at that place in a very miserable condition.

Its temper gives the fact away. The little book of By-laws has manifestly been tinkered by one of Mrs. Eddy's "thorough English scholars," for in the majority of cases its meanings are clear. The book is not even marred by Mrs. Eddy's peculiar specialty lumbering clumsinesses of speech. I believe the salaried polisher has weeded them all out but one.

Eddy is proprietor of that Board. Children of twelve may be admitted if invited by "one of Mrs. Eddy's loyal students, or by a First Member, or by a Director." These sponsors are the property of Mrs. Eddy, therefore her Church is safeguarded from the intrusion of undesirable children. Other Students. Applicants who have not studied with Mrs.

Eddy's keen eye at once detects those meaningless passages which have for so long beguiled the world, just as it readily sees in familiar texts an entirely new meaning. She explains the creation of the world from the account in the first chapter of Genesis, but the unknown author of this disputed book would never recognize his narrative when Mrs. Eddy gets through with it. Mrs.

"I wonder what I am made of," said Jake's boy, John, "if I have no brain, blood, or bones. When the bay filly threw me last winter and broke my arm I thought I was part bone. And a lot of blood ran from my foot the time I cut it with the ax, at least they called it blood." "Now, let us get Mrs. Eddy's definition of God," said Robert. "'What is God?

"Human history," she says, "needs to be revised, and the material record expunged." Having dismissed the history of the race as trivial, the natural sciences as unscientific, the evidence of the senses as a cheat, and matter as non-existent, Mrs. Eddy proceeds to propound her own curious theory of the Universe and man. She has a theory; incomplete, but ingenious. Mrs. Eddy's Exegesis Mrs.

Eddy's System Since matter conditions us who were born to be unconditioned and since matter is apparently the root of so many ills, the seat of so many pains, matter goes with the rest. Mrs.

Presently Georgina took him out to the see-saw, where Captain Kidd persisted in riding on Richard's end of the plank. "That's exactly the way my Uncle Eddy's terrier used to do back in Kentucky when I visited there one summer," she said, after the plank was adjusted so as to balance them properly. "Only he barked all the time he was riding. But he was fierce because Uncle Eddy fed him gunpowder."

No little of the power of Christian Science is due to this narrow rigidity which is itself the projection of the personality of Mary Baker Eddy. But Christian Science did not carry with it the whole of the group which had come under Quimby's influence, nor indeed all of those who came under Mary Baker Eddy's influence.

Eddy's Claim of January 17th again. The history of her "Mother Mary" telegram as told to me by one who ought to be a very good authority is curious and interesting. The telegram ostensibly quotes verse 53 from the "Magnificat," but really makes some pretty formidable changes in it. This is St. Luke's version: "He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He hath sent empty away."