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But this argument, as I have already shown, is valueless. For only very deep water can possibly show a blue colour by reflected light, while a dust-laden atmosphere especially with a layer of very dense gas at the bottom of it, as would be the case with the newly evaporated carbon-dioxide from the diminishing snow-cap would provide the very conditions likely to produce this blue tinge of colour.

With a familiarity of old knowledge, Falkner descended the winding streets to the water front. In this lower part of the town the dingy old houses had an air of ancient grandeur, and tall elms drooped dust-laden branches over the street. "Dear old place!" he exclaimed, memories reviving of his boyhood cruises. "It was in ninety-one when I was here last. I never expected to put in here again."

The dust-laden air seemed to have literally filled his lungs, and it was with difficulty he could breathe. Despite the protection he sought to give, his eyes were inflamed, and the lids cruelly swollen. He sank ankle-deep at every step, and above him and around him the wild blasts shrieked, until there were times when he feared lest he should be thrown from his feet.

The dust-laden atmosphere of Melbourne is said to impede very seriously the usefulness of this originally fine instrument. It may be doubted whether so large a spectrum will ever again be constructed. A new material for the mirrors of reflecting telescopes, proposed by Steinheil in 1856, and independently by Foucault in 1857, has in a great measure superseded the use of a metallic alloy.

These data largely depend on observations made in California and other parts of the southern United States, where the lower atmosphere is exceptionally dust-laden.