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But when at last they reached the sea end, it was to find Mr Marston very busy with his men closing the great gates to keep out the tide, which had risen high and threatened to flood a good deal of low-lying ground. For probably by carelessness the sluice-gate down by the sea had been left open, and the tide had come up and drowned the works.

It is a fact which will be long remembered as remarkable down there, that she was never drowned, but died triumphantly in bed, at ninety-two. It was in vain to represent to her that some conveniences, tea perhaps included, resulted from this objectionable practice.

The Heskeths started for Bridlington on a Friday, and on the following Sunday the news reached me that my old friend had been drowned while bathing. I was stunned by the blow, and a feeling of intense gloom pervaded my mind all day. But next morning the rumour was corrected.

"Ah, Thomson, is that you?" said the other, returning the grasp. "I was very sorry indeed to hear of your misfortune." "A bad business a shocking business," said his friend, shaking his head despondingly. "Not a spar saved. Three poor fellows drowned. And all my papers and goods gone to the bottom." "Yes, I heard something of it, and I was truly grieved. How did it happen?"

How sad and full of danger was their condition! the dark, dark night was above and around them, the dark, angry waves dashing by and over them, the cold, black depths of water beneath them, and no sound in their ears but the wild, rushing storm. What do you think became of them?" "I'm afraid they were drowned," said Bertha, looking up with eyes that were full of fear and trouble.

You've got to have to plug through snow now and then, and see a game of baseball and wear a stiff collar and have a policeman cuss you. Still, La Paz is a good sort of a pipe-dreamy old hole. And Mrs. Conant is here. When any of us feels particularly like jumping into the sea we rush around to her house and propose. It's nicer to be rejected by Mrs. Conant than it is to be drowned.

He dines every night at my table d'hote, you know. And there's a billiard-cue broken. I can't allow that. First thing this morning I went over with my apologies to the lieutenant, and I think I've made it all right for myself; but only think, captain, if everybody started such games! Why, the man might have been drowned! And here I can't run out into the next street and buy a new cue.

On these wild days it was well that this dog had learnt to work so perfectly by hand, for he had no fear of the rollers, and the wonder was that he escaped from being drowned. At the bottom of the whole fun of this new situation lay the fact that these cliffs were inhabited by innumerable gulls.

The difficulties we soon got into, through the off-settings and point- currents of the stream, made the likelihood of our being drowned, alone, to say nothing of our being retaken as broad and plain as the sun at noonday to all of us.

Now, an hour or two ago, when the exact opposite " The remainder of Raffles's speech was drowned from my ears by the belated crash of thunder which the lightning had foretold. So loud, however, was the crash when it came, that the storm was evidently approaching us at a high velocity; yet as the last echo rumbled away, I heard Raffles talking as though he had never stopped.