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You will tell Helen what it means to lose one's crop, and try to make her understand the struggle I've had how the weather was against me, and the debts kept piling up until I was ruined. You can describe the havoc made by drought, and frost, and cutting sand. Then there's the other side of the matter; the hardships a woman must bear on the plains when money's scarce.

Every modulation of her enchanting voice cut deep into his very breast, so that he could hardly understand the words for the sheer pain of it. He turned his back on her; but a sudden drop, an extraordinary faltering of her tone, made him spin round. On her white neck her pale head dropped as in a cruel drought a withered flower droops on its stalk.

"I've been in a drought ever since morning. Hi muchacho! el aguardiente por aca." "Now, what do you want to see me about?" asked Goodwin, when the drinks were before them. "Confound it, old man," drawled Blythe, "why do you spoil a golden moment like this with business? I wanted to see you well, this has the preference." He gulped down his brandy, and gazed longingly into the empty glass.

At this moment the old head-gardener called up to her from the lotos-tank: "The palace is in flames! And in this drought God All-merciful save the town!"

When the party entered the desert, or Dry Route, as it was years afterward always, and very properly, called in certain seasons of drought, the brave but too confident men discovered that the whole region was burnt up. They wandered on for several days, the horrors of death by thirst constantly confronting them. Water must be had or they would all perish!

I did so, and watched him as they made remarks about the heat and drought. There was nothing of the cad or snob about him, and his short season of adversity had rubbed all the little crudities off his character, leaving him a man that the majority of both sexes would admire: women for his bigness, his gentleness, his fine brown moustache and for his wealth; men, because he was a manly fellow.

Drink, often as you may, however heavy the drought or shrunken the streams elsewhere, those springs remain full to the very lip." Her tone changed, taking a tender playfulness. "Why, my Dickie, you are the light of my eyes, my darling, the one thing which makes me still care to live. You are your father's gift to me.

Every hollow overflowed with it; it seemed there could never be another drought. Before dawn on the following day all the small ranchers had departed. Several of them, on their way to their home ranches, stopped off at the Circle Bar to shake hands with Hollis and assure him of their appreciation. Lemuel Train did not forget to curse Dunlavey.

For fifty-three years, I was told, he had lived and worked in Trinidad, always independent; so independent, indeed, that the very last year, when all but starving, like many of the coloured people, from the long drought which lasted nearly eighteen months, he refused all charity, and came down to this very estate to work for three months in the stifling cane-fields, earning or fancying that he earned his own livelihood.

With deep plowing early in the season this coarse stuff could be covered in to advantage, but it would be dangerous to do it in the spring. Clean land and thorough cultivation to save moisture enough for summer's growth is the only rational spring treatment. Clovers and Drought. I have sandy loam with some alkali. In wet years it is regarded as too damp in some places.