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And you, what's wrong with your understandings?" he called to a man who came along wearing carpet slippers. "My boots are bad, colour," is the answer. "I cannot march in them." "And are you goin' to march in them drorin'-room abominations?" roared the sergeant. "Get your boots mended and grease out of it."

Crass did not think it necessary to mention that according to the copy of the specification of the work which he had in his pocket the rooms in question were supposed to have four coats. Crass now turned to Owen. 'There's that drorin'-room, he said. 'I don't know what's goin' to be done with that yet. I don't think they've decided about it.

The shoes her naked feet were thrust into were leprous-looking things through which nearly all her toes protruded. But she chuckled when he spoke. "No, I 'm goin' to buy a di'mond tirarer to go to the opery in," she said, dragging her old sack closer round her neck. "I ain't ad a noo un since I went to the last Drorin'-room."

"I want you to take this," Bellew went on, counting a sum into Adam's nerveless hand, "and to-morrow, when the sale begins, if any one makes a bid for anything, I want you to bid higher, and, no matter what, you must always buy always, you understand?" "But sir, that there old drorin'-room cab'net wi' the carvings " "Buy it!" "An' the silver candle-sticks, and the four-post bed-stead, an' the "

Bob's, an' they were workin' at the drorin'-room; 'omelike it looked with all their nice old things in it again." "I'm sure it will," David Linton agreed. "How do you like the new house, Brownie?" "Why, it's lovely," said Brownie.

''E come inter the drorin'-room an' 'e ses, "Oh, you're in 'ere are yer, Easton," 'e ses just like that, quite affable like. So I ses, "Yes, sir." "Well," 'e ses, "get it slobbered over as quick as you can," 'e ses, "'cos we ain't got much for this job: don't spend a lot of time puttying up. Just smear it over an' let it go!" ''E certinly seemed very pleased about something, said Harlow.

Also, the little fat johnny at any rate, didn't quite look the type of man that the Merriton's were in the habit of entertaining at the Towers. However, he opened the door with a flourish, and told the gentlemen that "Sir Nigel is in the drorin'-room," whither he led them with much pomp. Cleek took in the place at a glance.

To the Napoleonic man-servant who opened to him, he gravely presented a tomato can half-full of water, and said: "Will yer please arsk Bill or Jinny if they'll be so good as to bile my billy at the drorin'-room fire. Tell 'em it's Nicholas Crips what makes the request. No, thanks, I won't come in, I'm afraid my motor car might bolt."

'Why, didn't you know? there's another funeral on today? Didn't you see that corfin plate what Owen was writing in the drorin'-room last Saturday morning? 'No, I wasn't 'ere. Don't you remember I was sent away to do a ceilin' and a bit of painting over at Windley? 'Oh, of course; I forgot, exclaimed Philpot.

"I'll 'ave the vawses all ready wiv clean water for you," said Eliza. "An' don't you worry about the drorin'-room I'll see as it's nice." "Oh, you can't, Eliza you have no time. I know it's silver-cleaning afternoon." "Aw, I'll squeeze it in some'ow." Eliza stopped suddenly, at a decided footstep in the passage, and began to rattle spoons and forks with a vigour born of long practice.