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"Alec, go and tell Matthew to bring my gig to the front porch and be sure you see that your young master's heavy driving-coat is put inside. Mr. Harry spends the night with me." The secrecy enjoined upon everybody conversant with the happenings at Moorlands did not last many hours.

Then quite suddenly came the sound of a car slowing down outside. She sprang to her feet in a tremor of excitement. It was like the Picardy chateau again the dim room and a friend coming out of the night. She heard the front door open and a step in the little hall ... She was looking at Ivery.... He slipped his driving-coat off as he entered, and bowed gravely.

While the senator was speaking, the door opened and the old negro came hobbling in with a driving-coat and the broad-brimmed planter's hat which made the Honorable David a marked man throughout the length and breadth of the Sage-Brush State.

He was richly dressed in the finest of broadcloth and the whitest of linen, with a great gold watch-chain, and studs and spectacles of the same precious material. He wore a broad-folded tie, white and speckled with lilac, and he carried on his arm a comfortable driving-coat of fur.

"I saw that long driving-coat; of course, I thought he was inside it." "And I could ha' sworn it was the same gent when he give me the key!" It was the disconsolate voice of the constable in the background; on him turned Mackenzie, white to the lips. "You'd think anything, some of you damned policemen," said he. "What's your number, you rotter? You'll be hearing more of this, Mr.

He pointed as he spoke, and there was a high crimson curricle coming down the London road, with two bay mares harnessed tandem fashion before it. The reins and fittings were of a light fawn colour, and the gentleman had a driving-coat to match, with a servant in dark livery behind.

Often as she had seen the two drive away together it seemed to her to-day that she looked at them with new eyes. Just as Amy set out the closed hand-bags, with a box and a bundle beside them, and donned hat and driving-coat, the Green Imp came rushing up the road and stopped in front of the house.

Raffles got his overcoat, a long, light driving-coat, I remember, and even as he put it on our fugitive was dozing in the chair; we left him murmuring incoherently, with the gas out, and his bare feet toasting. "Not such a bad chap, that professor," said Raffles on the stairs; "a real genius in his way, too, though his methods are a little elementary for my taste.

Citadines at full speed were driving out of reach of requisition; horses were going off disencumbered of their vehicles; the driver of a remise was seated astride his animal, the long flaps of his driving-coat covering it from neck to tail; a noble elm was being hewn down by hatchets and even common knives.

Mist drifted about the hollows and the new moon shone between the motionless light clouds. The air was damp and Jim buttoned his driving-coat as he talked to Bernard on the steps at Dryholm. His small car stood near the arch, with its lights glistening on the dewy lawn. "Your lamps are dim," said Bernard. "If you will wait a minute, I'll send them to the garage."