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The Iron-ware closet must hold at least two iron pots, frying-pans large and small, and a Scotch kettle with frying-basket for oysters, fish-balls, &c., this kettle being a broad shallow one four or five inches deep. Roasting-pans, commonly called dripping-pans, are best of Russia iron.

If he dropped in at any theatre of an afternoon he was quite likely to hear some allusion to Virginia, for the plays of the hour were full of chaff, not always of the choicest, about the attractions of the Virgin-land, whose gold was as plentiful as copper in England; where the prisoners were fettered in gold, and the dripping-pans were made of it; and where an unheard-of thing you might become an alderman without having been a scavenger.

"On a December night," said the old woman, "one of them came to ask permission to prepare a great midnight banquet in the kitchen of the castle, which, vaster than a chapter-house, was furnished with casseroles, frying-pans, earthen saucepans, kettles, pans, portable-ovens, gridirons, boilers, dripping-pans, dutch-ovens, fish-kettles, copper-pans, pastry-moulds, copper-jugs, goblets of gold and silver, and mottled wood, not to mention iron roasting-jacks, artistically forged, and the huge black cauldron which hung from the pothook.

I recommend a trial of both methods; they will both be good. Stir the sugar and the beaten white of eggs together just enough to mix, then by degrees add the grated paste, mashing with the back of a fork till it forms a perfectly smooth paste. Oil several sheets of paper cut to the size of your baking-pans. Dripping-pans may be used if you have no regular baking-sheets.

Little kettles with bowed or carved handles. Copper pans with ears. Great brass pots. Dripping-pans. An iron peel or baking shovel. A brazen mortar and a pestle. Gridirons. Iron ladles. A laten scummer. A grater. A pepper mill. A mustard-quern. Boards. A salt-box. An iron range. Iron racks. A tin pot. Pot hooks. A galley bawk to suspend the kettle or pot over the fire.

One three-gallon porcelain-lined kettle, to be kept only for preserving. One four or six quart one, for apple sauce, &c. One tea-kettle. One large and one small frying-pan. Two Russia or sheet iron dripping-pans; one large enough for a large turkey. Two gem-pans with deep cups. Two long-handled spoons. Two spoons with shorter handles. One large meat-fork. One meat-saw. One cleaver. One griddle.

If he dropped in at any theatre of an afternoon he was quite likely to hear some allusion to Virginia, for the plays of the hour were full of chaff, not always of the choicest, about the attractions of the Virgin-land, whose gold was as plentiful as copper in England; where the prisoners were fettered in gold, and the dripping-pans were made of it; and where an unheard-of thing you might become an alderman without having been a scavenger.

If he dropped in at any theatre of an afternoon he was quite likely to hear some allusion to Virginia, for the plays of the hour were full of chaff, not always of the choicest, about the attractions of the Virgin-land, whose gold was as plentiful as copper in England; where the prisoners were fettered in gold, and the dripping-pans were made of it; and where an unheard-of thing you might become an alderman without having been a scavenger.

I have ladles, scummers, andirons and spits, Dripping-pans, pot-hooks.... I have fire-pans, fire-forks, tongs, trivets, and trammels, Roast-irons, trays, flaskets, mortars and pestles...." And among other items he adds rollers for paste, moulds for cooks, fine cutting knives, fine wine glasses, soap, fine salt, and candles.

The little girls were sliding down hill on boards and broken shovels, cast-off dripping-pans and ash-pans everything, indeed, that could be seized on for coasting. A group of large and middle-sized girls were walking over the mission pasture, stretching for a mile on every side.