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It appears that Edric, returning from hunting, lost his way in the Forest of Dean, and accompanied only by one boy, reached about midnight a large house which turned out to be a drinking-shop, such as the English, Map says, call a guildhouse. On approaching it he saw a light, and looking in, he beheld a number of women dancing.

Only at intervals did some little ragged boy raise himself on tiptoe as far as the ledge, and hurl into the drinking-shop, that ancient, jeering hoot, with which drunken men were then pursued: "Aux Houls, saouls, saouls, saouls!"

Now, prone in the mud, and now backing himself up against shop-windows, the owners of which come out in terror to remove him; now, in the drinking-shop, and now in the tobacconist's, where he goes to buy tobacco, and makes his way into the parlour, and where he gets a cigar, which in half-a-minute he forgets to smoke; now dancing, now dozing, now cursing, and now complimenting My Lord, the Colonel, the Noble Captain, and Your Honourable Worship, the Gong-donkey kicks up his heels, occasionally braying, until suddenly, he beholds the dearest friend he has in the world coming down the street.

The strangest sign of mortality, however, was that not a single restaurant or house of refection was to be found, not even on the spacious and justly called Grande Place! One might have starved or famished without relief. Nay, there was hardly a public-house or drinking-shop. However, the great monument itself more than supplied this absence of vitality.

It was through them that Maxence knew what was said in your house when my mother and brother were staying there." "How did you get proof of such a monstrous thing?" "I overheard their conversation one night as they were leaving a drinking-shop. Your grandsons both owe Max more than three thousand francs.

After coming out of the church I found a delightful nook a queer little terrace before a more retired and tranquil drinking-shop where I called for a bottle of wine to help me to guess why I "drew the line" at Domenichino.