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"You wouldn't have gone further, should you?" "I suppose not though I had still a great deal to tell you. Quick! We must get your place." "I could stop for the next train," suggested May. "Better not, I think. The carriage will be waiting for you at Hollingford. No, better not. I have another idea." They found a seat. Dyce threw in the dressing-bag, and alighted again.

Seizing this unexpected occasion Therese had displayed a distracting versatility of sentiment: rapacity, virtue, piety, spite, and false tendernesswhile, characteristically enough, she unpacked the dressing-bag, helped the sinner to get ready for bed, brushed her hair, and finally, as a climax, kissed her hands, partly by surprise and partly by violence.

Toni's lack of luggage puzzled her a little, but Toni murmured something about a lost dressing-bag which satisfied the other woman; and when the long train steamed out of the station at last Toni was comfortably ensconced in a reserved first-class compartment, making friends with the two little girls with whom she was to travel.

Marcher could only feel he ought to have rendered her some service saved her from a capsized boat in the bay or at least recovered her dressing-bag, filched from her cab in the streets of Naples by a lazzarone with a stiletto.

The moment the carriage-door was opened, he called the servant by his name, saying, "When the cart comes with the luggage, send mine up directly. Take that now." And he handed him his dressing-bag. He spoke in a self-approving tone, and with a drawl which I will not attempt to imitate, because I find all such imitation tends to caricature; and I want to be believed.

She took the bag from Mary, and shook the snow from it. It was a small dressing-bag of green leather and on it appeared the initials "H. F.-W." They looked at each other speechless. The old man hastened to explain that on opening the gate which led to the house from the lane his foot had stumbled against something on the path.

Ahmed had taken a message to Monsieur le Patron, about the bill, and had brought back Mademoiselle's change, when the note was paid. The porter had carried down a large dressing-bag, at what time he could not be sure, but it was long before dark. He had asked if Mademoiselle wished him to call a voiture, but she had said no. She was going out on foot, and would presently return in a carriage.

How could it be otherwise, with that thing between them? She glanced up at the rack overhead. The thing was there, in her dressing-bag, symbolically suspended over her head and his. He was thinking of it now, just as she was; they had been thinking of it in unison ever since they had entered the train.

Kate had been playing with the cat, and had forgotten to fasten Tim in. Resenting the confusion, Timmy made a leap, Kate screamed and jumped down from the stage, carrying not only the cat's basket, but a small dressing-bag of Angela's all she had brought, except a suit-case containing a dress or two for the journey.

"Come along, Jim; the luggage can come on later." And in less than five minutes the matter was arranged. Herrick elected to sit beside the chauffeur, so that Toni and her new acquaintance sat together in the body of the car. Mrs. Herrick's large and rather new-looking dressing-bag on the floor at their feet.