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Gauche spoiled so last winter?” “It’s laid away, Miss, the same in the cedar chest as the day it came home from her hands and no more fit, that I’d be a shame meself and no claims to a dress-maker. And there’s many a lady that she never would have seen a cent, let alone making herself pay for the spiling of it.” “Well, well, Johannah, never mind. Get it out, we’ll see what can be done with it.

Aurore's diligence in her studies was marred by the secret intention, long cherished, of escaping to her mother, and adopting with her her former profession of dress-maker. Having one day answered reproof with a petulant assertion of her desire to rejoin her mother at all hazards, the grandmother determined to put an end to such projects by a severe measure.

But that they cannot acquire until they believe that only another woman will know just how well they are dressed, and, above all, whether Doucet turned them out, or a dress-maker in the house at two dollars a day. Men only take in the effect. Women know how the effect is produced.

Miss Mellins was the dress-maker upstairs, and the weak-eyed child one of her youthful apprentices. Ann Eliza started from her seat. "I'll come at once. Quick, Evelina, the cordial!" By this euphemistic name the sisters designated a bottle of cherry brandy, the last of a dozen inherited from their grandmother, which they kept locked in their cupboard against such emergencies.

This one, at any rate, was going to cost her rather more than she could afford. She was vexed to see that, in spite of so many years of vigilance, she had blundered twice within five minutes. That stupid story about her dress-maker was bad enough it would have been so simple to tell Rosedale that she had been taking tea with Selden! The mere statement of the fact would have rendered it innocuous.

Ann Eliza was still agitated by her efforts to restore the dress-maker, but in spite of her preoccupation she was struck, as soon as she entered, by the loud tick of the clock, which still stood on the shelf where she had left it. "Why, she's going!" she gasped, before Evelina could question her about Miss Mellins. "Did she start up again by herself?"

I must do something toward settling before the year ends. Let us see the white Swiss. Now there is a lovely amber tissue I have it isn't my color. I never wore it but once, and it would suit you exactly. Lucy, my maid, is a perfect dress-maker, and could alter it to fit you easily before Now, Edith! you're not angry?" For the color has risen suddenly all over Edith's proud, pale face.

Families look forward to the buying of landed homesteads, and the scattered brothers and sisters work awhile in domestic service to gain the common fund for the purpose; your seamstress intends to become a dress-maker, and take in work at her own house; your cook is pondering a marriage with the baker, which shall transfer her toils from your cooking-stove to her own.

"Can't you come too? You can sit and talk with him while I'm talking to the dress-maker." "I wish I could," he answered, "but I promised to meet the president in the college library at four, and bless me! it only wants ten minutes of it now. Try to get back by sunset, dear: the evenings are chilly yet."

She strings the seed-berries of roses together, making a scarlet necklace of them, which she fastens about her throat. She gathers flowers of everlasting to wear in her bonnet, arranging them with the skill of a dress-maker. In the evening, she sits singing by the hour, with the musical part of the establishment, often breaking into laughter, whereto she is incited by the tricks of the boys.