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A careful examination of the old dwelling produced only one surprise. A portmanteau containing 3,000 francs in crowns and double-louis was found in a dark attic. Mme. de Combray's grandchildren knew so little of the drama of their house, that no one thought of connecting this find with the affairs of Quesnay, of which they had scarcely ever heard.

The chevalier drew from his secret pocket a kind of leathern purse, and said to the duke: "There is in this one hundred double-louis, your highness; on the other side there is as much.

"Quite so, quite so. My next remedy is cold bathing." "Are the baths far from here?" "They are wherever you like. I will write you a prescription, and the druggist will make it up." I thanked him, and after he had pouched the double-louis I slipped politely into his hand, he went away assuring me that I should soon experience an improvement in my health.

"Quite so, quite so. My next remedy is cold bathing." "Are the baths far from here?" "They are wherever you like. I will write you a prescription, and the druggist will make it up." I thanked him, and after he had pouched the double-louis I slipped politely into his hand, he went away assuring me that I should soon experience an improvement in my health.

"Le voila," answered the cool Frenchman, "dat is our espion our agent our friend ma foi c'etait un grand scelerat voici." While speaking, Sanglier bent over the dead body, and thrust his hand into a pocket of the Quartermaster, out of which he drew a purse. Emptying the contents on the ground, several double-louis rolled towards the soldiers, who were not slow in picking them up.