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The shares of the co-owners are known as "pesos de posesion," "dollars of possession," corresponding to the value given them at some remote period.

My new work was not only much lighter and pleasanter, but it paid me the munificent salary of eight dollars a week. But I did not want to be a demonstrator of tea and coffee all my life. I had often thought I would like to learn shorthand and typewriting.

But, as I said, the inheritance is an apparent, not an actual, exception, and we will return to the original proposition that one's earnings must be measured by the service rendered. This is so important a proposition that I beg leave to dwell upon it a moment longer, to ask whether it is possible to fix in dollars and cents a maximum limit to the amount one can earn in a lifetime.

And he was Lulie's father, and not well, not quite his old self mentally or physically. Perhaps she should make allowances. "Well, all right, Cap'n Jeth," she said. "It wasn't what you said so much as it was how you said it. Now will you tell me why you're so dreadfully anxious to know how I got that five thousand dollars I deposited over to the bank yesterday?"

"The rebellion was suppressed at a cost of more than four thousand million dollars...through British intervention the war was doubled in duration;... England is justly responsible for the additional expenditure." Sumner's total bill against Great Britain, then, amounted to over $2,000,000,000; "everyone," said he, "can make the calculation."

There he could put his finger upon five hundred and nine thousand dollars of British gold, which contributed, so far as it could go, to the election of the present executive magistrate; and he thought he had shown the means by which it was done. Go to the State of Arkansas. The dollars are not there, but they were there, and they were sent there from the Mint of the United States.

Can you give me any further security if I will lend you the money?" "I have some bonds and mortgages, to the amount of twenty-two thousand dollars, with me, which might be assigned for such a purpose." "But $22,000 are an insufficient security for the $30,000, or $35,000, which you may need to carry out your adventure."

Before leaving home, this boy had never seen any gold, and did not know what it was, but his mother guessed that it was the precious metal, of which the coins called sovereigns, and worth five dollars apiece, were made. So she begged him to bring one of them back to her.

"The Dutchman asked him what kind o' gem it was he had gotten frae the boy. "'It's a ruby, said the Jew. "'Oho!'said the Dutchman. 'It's a rare big one, though. How muckle might ye be expectin' to get for it across the water a couple o' hundred? "Then the auld Jew gave the Dutchman a wink, and said, 'Maybe a thousand dollars, mynheer.

Of course I did, and so did everybody else, and I learned that the man had made all independence by first attracting the public to his business in that way and then using his customers well afterwards. Genin, the hatter, bought the first Jenny Lind ticket at auction for two hundred and twenty-five dollars, because he knew it would be a good advertisement for him.