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Silver and gold and jewellery are conjoined with painting after the nursery and doll-like fashion approved in the South of Spain and at Naples. Only in the most corrupt of Roman Catholic capitals does ecclesiastical art assume the childish forms common in Russia.

Desberger, eager enough to learn all she could of her late mysterious lodger. "I had rather not tell her name," protested Lena, with a timid air that admirably fitted her rather doll-like prettiness. "She didn't tell you what it was, and I don't think I ought to." Good for little Lena! And she did not even know for whom or what she was playing the rôle I had set her. "I thought you said Mary.

To the R. is the smaller Room V. The chief exhibits here are an eighteenth-century Neapolitan Crèche, with more than fifty doll-like figures; a rich tabernacle of plateresque Spanish work, and some furniture of interest. At the four corners are thirteenth-century statues from the Ste. Chapelle. Louis from the Ste. Chapelle.

To know it is to lose one's taste for toys of the imagination. Paul, at last, could look back almost with, a sense of humor at the doll-like progenitor he had played with so long.

The secret of Captain Baskelett's art would seem to be to show the automatic human creature at loggerheads with a necessity that winks at remarkable pretensions, while condemning it perpetually to doll-like action.

Why had Uncle Dick given her the idea that she would find her cousin a fair, doll-like creature? To be sure she had seen a photograph of Molly, but she had worn a hat and coat when it was taken and one could easily get a wrong impression from it. "Let's go down," proposed Molly; "I have lots of things to show you; besides I want to see Uncle Dick."

Short girls, tall girls, thin girls, plump girls and the very plumpest girl of her age that Ruth had ever seen, stood right at the top of the steps. She had a pretty, pink, doll-like face which was perpetually a-smile. Whereas some of the girls especially the older ones stared rather haughtily at the two Infants, this fat girl welcomed them with a broadening smile.

Have you heard any news?" "No," said Bohun. "To tell the truth I've been so busy that I haven't had time to ring up the Embassy. And we've had no one in this morning. Monday morning, you know," he added; "always very few people on Monday morning" as though he didn't wish me to think that the office was always deserted. I watched the little doll-like men circling placidly round and round the rink.

The fourth child, the pet of everybody, was a beautiful, doll-like baby girl of three, whose name was Helen.

He found Sally arrayed in her prettiest dress all fluffy lace and fluttering baby-blue ribbons but he had no eyes for her made-up, doll-like sort of beauty. She never knew just when to expect him, for he would never give her the satisfaction of making an appointment to call, giving professional duties as an excuse for not doing so.