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With each was a large family including a beastly little boy who spat all over the decks, and one of the fathers, a stern gold-laced officer, carried a dogwhip with which to rule his offspring. After a while we caught sight of Tarabosch, the famous mountain, and then the silhouette of the old Venetian fortress.

As he talked to the utterly crestfallen pup, he was ransacking a drawer of his desk in search of a dogwhip he had put there long ago and had never had occasion to use. Presently, he found it. Pointing to the overthrown trophy, he brought the lash down across the shrinking collie's loins. He did not strike hard.

"'Call me "brother," Moosu call me "brother," I chided, lifting him to his feet with the toe of my moccasin. 'Wilt thou evermore obey? "'Yea, master, he whimpered, 'evermore. "'Then dispose thy body, so, across the sled, I shifted the dogwhip to my right hand. 'And direct thy face downwards, toward the snow.

When in anger, Batard was not nice to look upon, and more than once had he leapt for Leclere's throat, to be stretched quivering and senseless in the snow, by the butt of the ever ready dogwhip. And so Batard learned to bide his time. When he reached his full strength and prime of youth, he thought the time had come.

A sheet of water with the railway-embankment and the snakes sticking out, and, in the summer, green flies and green squash. The people would die of fear if you shook a dogwhip at 'em. But they know you're forbidden to do that, so they conspire to make your life a burden to you. My District's worked by some man at Darjiling, on the strength of a native pleader's false reports.

A pack of bloodhounds, led by Hornblower of Trinity brandishing a dogwhip in tallyho cap and an old pair of grey trousers, follow from fir, picking up the scent, nearer, baying, panting, at fault, breaking away, throwing their tongues, biting his heels, leaping at his tail. He walks, runs, zigzags, gallops, lugs laid back.

"Hi, there, Gelert! down, Juno; down, down, good dogs all." And Richard threatened them with his dogwhip. "Is this Gelert?" asked Bessie, pointing to a fine black retriever. "Yes; and that is Brand," patting the head of a handsome pointer. "That brown setter is Juno; she is the mother of those three puppies fine little fellows, aren't they?

Just as the cavalry was about got into marching order, up rode John Watson, a ragamuffin-looking gamekeeper, in a green plush coat, with a very tarnished laced hat, mounted on a very shaggy white pony, whose hide seemed quite impervious to the visitations of a heavily-knotted dogwhip, with which he kept saluting his shoulders and sides. 'Please, sir, said he, riding up to Mr.