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Jake moved his big boots back and forth several times. "I wouldn't try it if I was you, Sandy," he cautioned, "'cause ye know uther folks might be interferin' with ye." Sandy's throat emitted a deep, doglike growl as he clambered to his feet. "I'll do it now, dam ye both," he barked back in ugly defiance.

He spread the rubber one upon the ground and placed the woolen one about the youth's shoulders. "There now," he said, "lie down an' git some sleep." The youth, with his manner of doglike obedience, got carefully down like a crone stooping. He stretched out with a murmur of relief and comfort. The ground felt like the softest couch. But of a sudden he ejaculated: "Hol' on a minnit!

But if you would kindly inform me what precise formula you followed at Widderstone last night, I would tell you why I think the explanation, or rather your first account of the matter, is not an explanation of the facts. Lawford shot a rather doglike glance over his toast. 'Danton? he said. 'Candidly, Arthur, Mr Danton doubts the whole story.

The nigger barber, Berry, was one; another was the Jack-of-all-trades, Osterhaut, a kind of municipal odd-man, with the well-known red hair, the face that constantly needed shaving, the blue serge shirt with a scarf for a collar, the suit of canvas in the summer and of Irish frieze in the winter; the pair of hands which were always in his own pocket, never in any one else's; the grey eye, doglike in its mildness, and the long nose which gave him the name of Snorty.

Homer had raised his head painfully and was looking directly at him, unmistakable intelligence in the exhaustion-glazed eyes. The fringed lips curled back, the throat worked. Strange sounds were forced out, growling but not doglike. "Ar-ro ... ar-rik." It was a barely recognizable distortion of "Hello-Warwick." "Ok-all ... orr ... ron." Vocal-cords-wrong? "Im ... ork." Tim-talk?

With the incidents of her plot gradually taking form in her mind and being jotted down on paper, Ruth's hours began to be very full. She was with Wonota as much as possible, and the Indian girl began to show an almost doglike devotion to the girl of the Red Mill. "That is not to be wondered at, of course," Jennie Stone said, as she was about to return to her New York home.

"Oh yes, I suppose so." "I will come for you, Signora." Again she looked at him, and felt his deep loyalty to her, his strong and almost doglike affection. And, feeling them, she was seized once more by fear. The thing Gaspare hid from her must be something terrible. "Thank you, Gaspare." "A rivederci, Signora." Was there not a sound of pleading in his voice, a longing to retain her?

Noticing that a policeman was eyeing him with curiosity, he dashed them aside and hurried on. Pacing the platform of the Mansion House Station, where it is always draughty, the thought of his wrongs returned to him with renewed force. Why was there no trace of doglike devotion about Mrs. Korner? The fault so he bitterly told himself the fault was his.

Pete's own eyes were too full of tears to be full of sight, but he could see that the change had come. He panted with expectation, and looked down at Philip with doglike delight. There was a moment's silence, and then, in a voice as faint as a breath, Philip murmured. "What's where's is it Pete?" At that Pete uttered a shout of joy. "He's himself! He's himself! Thank God!"

There is a look that you may have seen in the eyes of ownerless but well-intentioned dogs dogs that, expecting kicks as their daily portion, are humbly grateful for kind words and stray bones; dogs that are fairly yearning to be adopted by somebody by anybody being prepared to give to such a benefactor a most faithful doglike devotion in return.