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"I know how you feel," said the housekeeper. "Here, let me fix that tray, Miss Celia; you've done enough. I suppose we've got to feed 'em and give 'em a room. Ain't it too bad to put them in that nice spare room? No, I don't believe the doctor'll be powerful pleased to see 'em, though I don't suppose he'll let on he ain't. Trouble is, she's a stayer one of the visiting kind, you know.

There was a double meaning in the query, and Champers caught both. "No ways," he responded. "Has some influence here?" the stranger asserted rather than questioned. "A lot. Has the whole town under hoodoo. It's named for him. He has all the doctoring he can do and won't half charge, so's no other doctor'll come here. That's no way to build up a town.

Pete's usin' some old woman's stuff on his wounds, bear's grease, rattlesnake oil, catnip tea, what do I know? I can't make him see a doctor." "Some doctor'll have to testify to court, won't they?" persisted Mr. Peaslee. Perhaps had Mr.

"He seems to know just what to do, and anyhow the doctor'll be here in a minute. It seems funny to give him whiskey, don't it, but that was the first thing Mr. O'Hara thought of." "I suppose his heart was weak. He looked as if he were dying," answered Gabriella. "He asked for more whiskey, didn't he?" "Yes; I'm goin' right straight to get it.

Ducharme, who was watching her closely. "I see what it means. You want money blackmail, and you think you've got a good chance. But I will not give you a cent. I will tell Dr. Sommers first, and let him deal with you." "The doctor! What does he say about his dying quiet and nice as he did? I guess the doctor'll see the point." Alves started. What did Sommers think?

"She said I'd got to stay in bed till the doctor had seen me," he replied, "'n the doctor'll be here 'bout nine o'clock." "She" was the nurse. "It's nearly nine now. I'll wait until the doctor comes, then," Mr. Scott said. The doctor pronounced the boy quite fit to leave the hospital, and his clothes being brought to him, the curtains were drawn around his cot and he dressed himself hastily.

"Well," he said, "I'll have to bring the superintendent down, and we must trouble your mother to let us take a look at this Mr. Gilverthwaite's effects. Had he a doctor to him since he was taken ill?" "Dr. Watson this I mean yesterday afternoon," I answered. "Then there'll be no inquest in his case," said the sergeant, "for the doctor'll be able to certify.

Of course, that may come later," she added with the air of one confident that all will come right in the future. "The doctor'll be in to see him pretty soon. He's quite happy. Toto's sitting with him." Sally's concern increased. Like everyone who had ever spent any length of time in the house, she had strong views on Toto.

Richards' ailment. "I'm so kind of headachy and restless that my sewing's bound to be a fizzle. I'll run in to see Charlotte this afternoon. It's a shame I haven't been there before. Don't know what the doctor'll think of me." Considering that she was merely planning a little friendly call on a sick neighbor, Persis made her toilet with surprising care.

There was something so mean and cowardly in this scheme, and in the manner in which the proposal was made, that even Thurston gave vent to an exclamation of contempt. "So that's your little game, is it?" he inquired. "Yes, that's it; that's my little project for putting a stop to the Wraxby match. There'll be an awful row, and the doctor'll keep the team from going. Now, then, who'll do the trick?