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"Ditter, captain, if you please ditter: it is the continental word for round-about." "The d -l it is! it is worth knowing, however. And what may be the French for pee-jacket?" "You mistake me, sir, ditter, a circuit, or the longer way." "That is the road we are now travelling, by George! I say, Leach, do you happen to know that we are making a ditter to America?"

"With ditter knives only, I'm thinking their guns may have been left in the point of woods yonder, in charge of the spy I named, who, now I ditter think on't, ought to be taken about the same time, for fear of some secret signal being given."

Some mistrust he is a Jew; and some are afraid he is a British agent, not only buying up farms, but also the Council of Safety, who are also strangely full of money these days." "That last would prove a rather ditter tough bargain for him and his masters, I reckon," responded the hunter, dryly. "Yes, that is all nonsense, no doubt," observed Piper.

"Yes; I ran up at the time the court ditter went in, and, in the bustle, got a chance to tell them through the grate." "All right; but how are the wounded doing?" "Ditter well, except French, who is fast going." "Indeed! Poor fellow! But his blood will now soon be avenged," said Morris, as the two now separated and hastened back to their respective posts.

"What the dogs are you ditter doing there, Bart?" said Dunning, with a broad grin, as he came up and recognized the secretary in such a strange plight and attitude. "O, nothin very desput; only showing Squire Brush, here the differ between to-day and yesterday, that's all," replied Bart kicking and spurring, like a boy on some broken-down horse "Get up, here! Gee! whoa, Dobbin!

"Der well, this is it; they are afraid to ditter try any of the town officers on so slim a majority, lest the tory candidates should have got some of our voters under their thumbs, by way of debts or other obligations, which they will der make use of to get their votes for them personally, but won't have 'em pledged for this." "That is well thought of," responded Piper.