United States or Gambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I said, "You get three of them; you prayed and had faith while I only said, amen." One day Bro. Ahrendt was out advertising the meeting. His last call was at a schoolhouse, and from there he wanted to go to Bertha intending to take a short cut through the brush to the highway. On coming to the highway, he saw a signpost pointing in the direction he was going, which read, "One mile to Hewitt."

They waited within the little shrubbery whispering to each other till they heard Mrs. Hurst close her own door, for they did not want any more of her society, though they had no intention of going in. When she was safe out of the way, they stole out and continued their walk in the opposite direction. "I wanted to have gone into the town," said Ursula.

"In English," said Hardy, "the night jar. It was the practice in England to bury suicides with a stake driven through their bodies at four cross-ways. It is possible that this arose from a desire to prevent the ghost of the dead person from troubling the living, and being at a four cross-ways, that it should not know which direction to take."

The huskies faced the direction of the sounds, moving restlessly and whining. For a few moments Kazan stood as though carven of rock. Then he turned his head, and his first look was to Gray Wolf. She had slunk back a dozen feet and lay crouched under the thick cover of a balsam shrub. Her body, legs and neck were flattened in the snow.

Another attack on the Throg-held camp could be well preferred to such exploration as Thorvald had in mind. Yet Shann did not voice any protest as the Survey officer faced again in the same direction as the disk had pointed him moments before.

I knew but little of what that meant, but I had heard that the torrid zone or the tropics, as it was also called lay to the south of England; and that there the climate was hotter than the hottest summer day at home. I had also heard that Peru was a southern country, and therefore we must be going in a southerly direction to reach it.

She passed through the room and disappeared in the direction of the kitchen. "Oh! no, sir, not at all," repeated Aurora, as she once more sat down. "You ought to want your rights," said M. Grandissime. "You ought to have them." "You think so?" Aurora was really finding it hard to conceal her growing excitement, and turned, with a faint hope of relief, toward Clotilde.

Enid had pleaded a headache, but as soon as the car had driven away she roused herself, and, ascending to her room, put on strong country boots and a leather-hemmed golf skirt, and, taking a stick, set forth down the high road lined with poplars in the direction of Mars-la-Tour.

David Hull, advancing with his gaze upon them, stopped short. Selma, without a glance because without a thought in his direction, hastened away. When David rejoined Jane, she was gazing tenderly after the small, graceful figure moving toward the distant entrance gates. Said David: "I think that girl has got you hypnotized." Jane laughed and sent him home. "I'm busy," she said.

"Is Mike Clancy here?" asked the visitor at the quarry, just after the premature explosion. "No, sor," replied Costigan; "he's gone." "For good?" "Well, sor, he wint in that direction." Music Touched His Heart A thief broke into a Madison Avenue mansion early the other morning and found himself in the music-room. Hearing footsteps approaching, he took refuge behind a screen.