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When the dinner-things were washed up, when the hearth was swept and the kettle on the fire, having put on her best Sunday dress, it was her custom to go to the window, always to the window, never to the fire where she would open Boston's Fourfold State and hold it up in front of her with both hands.

"Come, Flower, you won't really be troubled with poor little Maggie; she will spend her day probably with George, and will help him to wash up our dinner-things after we have eaten. Come, don't be vexed, Flower." "I vexed!" said Flower. "You are quite mistaken.

It was a pledge even an old lady of eighty could not go back on. Nor had she any such treacherous intention. So soon as ever the dinner-things were cleared away, Granny Marrable with her own hands lifted down the model off of the mantelshelf, and removing the glass from the front of the case, brought the contents out on the oak table the cloth no longer covered, so that you might see all round.

Mark began to read, but he could not proceed far; his father got up and went out, without saying a word, and his mother began to remove the dinner-things. But as soon as the family re-assembled in the evening, the father said to Mark, "Go on with your reading, Mark, I want to hear the end, for I like the story."

Then Miss Grey sunk again into silence, crushed beneath this last blow. In the evening, when the dinner-things had been taken away, a matter of business came up, and took the place of the prince and his mustaches. Mrs. Carroll was most anxious to know whether her brother could "lend" her a small sum of twenty pounds.

"A bumper-toast to the health of the future millionnaire whom I present to you in my nephew and sole heir, Pisistratus Caxton, Esq. Mr. "'Let the bumper-toast go round." Guy Bolding. "Hip, hip, hurrah! three times three! What fun!" Order is restored; dinner-things are cleared; each gentleman lights his pipe. Vivian. "What news from England?" Mr. Bullion. "As to the Funds, sir?" Mr. Speck.

There was a hammering on the table, a promise of a kiss in a girl's voice that trailed off into a tipsy giggle, the sound of shuffling chairs and accompanying hilarity as the singer was apparently hoisted on to the table. There came a crash of breaking glass as his foot collided with some dinner-things.

Neither Chrissy nor I understood this at the time, but I have often thought of it since. "Chrissy went on: "'I had finished washing up my dinner-things, and sat down for a few minutes, for I was tired.

There was a habit at Babington with the ladies of sitting with the squire when he was the only man present till he had finished his wine, and, at Mrs. Smirkie's instance, this custom was continued when she and her husband were at the house. Fires had been commenced, and when the dinner-things had been taken away they clustered round the hearth.

So after waiting till Ephraim was in the pantry, washing up the dinner-things with the housemaid, I slipped down the garden to the boat-house. The door was padlocked, as I had feared; but with an old hammer-head I managed to pry off the staple. I felt like a burglar when the lock came off in my hand. I felt that I was acting deceitfully.