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He observed that this later period of his life would not be narrated with such minuteness as the youthful epoch of Dichtung and Wahrheit. "I must," said he, "treat this later period more in the fashion of annals: my outward actions must appear rather than my inward life.

[Footnote 73: This seems very odd in view of the fact that in Loeper’s edition ofDichtung und Wahrheit” (Hempel, XXII, p.

Otto Rank, "Das Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung und Sage," 1912, Franz Deuticke. I discussed in a larger work, previous to Rank's book, how Heinrich von Kleist made the incest phantasies of his childhood the foundation of many poems.

It is, at least, a matter of ethnological and historical interest to learn in what regions of thought and speculation our German contemporaries are at home, and wherein they find their mental happiness and delight. Die deutsche komische und humoristische Dichtung seit Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts bis auf unsere Zeit. Von IGNAZ HUB. Nürnberg: Ebner. 1857.

[Footnote 43: Griesebach: “Das Goetheische Zeitalter der deutschen Dichtung,” Leipzig, 1891, p.

The thought of the discipline and renunciation of our lower nature in order to the realisation of a higher nature of mankind is written upon the very face of the second part of Faust. Certain passages in Dichtung and Wahrheit are even more familiar.

The proportion of the two constituents changes indefinitely; and the quality of the fiction varies through the whole gamut of unveracity. But "Dichtung" is always there.

Those hues of gold and azure, that hush of world's expectation as day died, were still a Hebrew speech for me: nevertheless I was looking at the fair illumined letters, and had an eye for the gilding. In all that relates to the writer's own education, the Dichtung of Sartor and the Wahrheit of the Reminiscences are in accord.

The mistake was all on my side, and you were not in the least to blame. I also remember that your studies have been of a serious kind, such as were likely to render a judgment on fiction and poetry, or, as the Germans, with better classification, say, in 'DICHTUNG' in general, quite other than the superficial haphazard remarks of which reviews are generally made.

If we were to trust the evidence of Herr Hub's dreary Deutsche komische und humoristische Dichtung, we should believe that no German had even so much as a suspicion of what humor meant, unless the book itself, as we are half inclined to suspect, be a joke in three volumes, the want of fun being the real point thereof.