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The occasional appearance at the present day of canine teeth which project above the others, with traces of a diastema or open space for the reception of the opposite canines, is in all probability a case of reversion to a former state, when the progenitors of man were provided with these weapons, like so many existing male Quadrumana.

Junonia, sexual differences of colouring in species of. Jupiter, comparison with Assyrian effigies. Kaffir skull, occurrence of the diastema in a. Kaffirs, their cruelty to animals; lice of the; colour of the; engrossment of the handsomest women by the chiefs of the; marriage-customs of the. Kalij-pheasant, drumming of the male; young of. Kallima, resemblance of, to a withered leaf.

Thus the teeth of man constitute a regular and even series without any break and without any marked projection of one tooth above the level of the rest; a peculiarity which, as Cuvier long ago showed, is shared by no other mammal save one as different a creature from man as can well be imagined namely, the long extinct 'Anoplotherium'. The teeth of the Gorilla, on the contrary, exhibit a break, or interval, termed the 'diastema', in both jaws: in front of the eye-tooth, or between it and the outer incisor, in the upper jaw; behind the eyetooth, or between it and the front false molar, in the lower jaw.

Voice in mammals; in monkeys and man; in man; origin of, in air-breathing vertebrates. Von Baer, see Baer. Vulpian, Prof., on the resemblance between the brains of man and the higher apes. Vultures, selection of a mate by the female; colours of. Waders, young of. Wagner, R., on the occurrence of the diastema in a Kaffir skull; on the bronchi of the black stork.

Diamond-beetles, bright colours of. Diastema, occurrence of, in man. Diastylidae, proportion of the sexes in. Dicrurus, racket-shaped feathers in; nidification of. Dicrurus macrocercus, change of plumage in. Didelphis opossum, sexual difference in the colour of. Differences, comparative, between different species of birds of the same sex.

The Tragulidoe; have no incisors in the upper jaw, and only six grinding-teeth on each side of each jaw; while the canine is moved up to the outer incisor, and there is a diastema in the lower jaw. There are four complete toes on the hind foot, but the middle metatarsals usually become, sooner or later, ankylosed into a cannon bone.

The navicular and the cuboid unite, and the distal end of the fibula is ankylosed with the tibia. In Cainotherium and Dichobune the upper incisors are fully developed. There are seven grinders; the teeth form a continuous series without a diastema. The metatarsals, the navicular and cuboid, and the distal end of the fibula, remain free.

The Tragulidae have no incisors in the upper jaw, and only six grinding-teeth on each side of each jaw; while the canine is moved up to the outer incisor, and there is a diastema, in the lower jaw. There are four complete toes on the hind foot, but the middle metatarsals usually become, sooner or later, ankylosed into a cannon bone.

Thus the teeth of man constitute a regular and even series without any break and without any marked projection of one tooth above the level of the rest; a peculiarity which, as Cuvier long ago showed, is shared by no other mammal save one as different a creature from man as can well be imagined namely, the long extinct 'Anoplotherium'. The teeth of the Gorilla, on the contrary, exhibit a break, or interval, termed the 'diastema', in both jaws: in front of the eye-tooth, or between it and the outer incisor, in the upper jaw; behind the eyetooth, or between it and the front false molar, in the lower jaw.

The navicular and the cuboid unite, and the distal end of the fibula is ankylosed with the tibia. In Cainotherium and Dichobune the upper incisors are fully developed. There are seven grinders; the teeth form a continuous series without a diastema. The metatarsals, the navicular and cuboid, and the distal end of the fibula, remain free.