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Seeing that her husband bowed his head, she again fell to sobbing, but still repeating, "Ay, if I were a man, if I were a man!" "Well, if you were a man," the provoked husband at length asked, "what would you do?" "What would I do? Well well well, this very minute I'd go to the Captain-General and offer to fight against the rebels, this very minute!" "But haven't you seen what the Diario says?

And then you read in the DIARIO DO GOBERNO 'Yesterday his Majesty the King took the diversion of shooting the woods off Cintra, attended by Colonel the honourable Whiskerando Sombrero. His Majesty returned to the Necessidades to lunch, at, &c. &c.. Oh! that COURT CIRCULAR! once more, I exclaim. Down with the COURT CIRCULAR that engine and propagator of Snobbishness!

"Well then, you ought to have known him before and heard him spoken of. That's what you're a man for and wear trousers and read El Diario de Manila," answered his unterrified spouse, casting on him a terrible look. To this Capitan Tinong did not know what to reply. Capitana Tinchang, however, was not satisfied with this victory, but wished to silence him completely.

His promotion had been romantic and irregular, the affections of a prominent Brazilian lady and the captain's liquid eyes had played a part in the process, and the Diario and O Futuro had been lamentably disrespectful in their comments. He felt he was to give further occasion for disrespect.

I stammered, completely confounded at this extraordinary news, and fearing lest I had been too stupid in misunderstanding him. "Yes," he said, "it is too true that his father Vellintoni is dead. I read it in the Diario di Roma."

Such then were the vivid images whereby Ambrogio Lorenzetti expressed the mediaeval curse of discord, and the ideal of a righteous rule. It is only necessary to read the "Diario Sanese" of Allegretto Allegretti in order to see that he drew no fancy picture.

Neither Chamuscado nor Espejo kept journals, but Castaño de Sosa, and especially Oñate, did. But the document itself is a sober, matter-of-fact record of occurrences and geographical details, interspersed with observations of more or less ethnological value. The diario forms the beginning of accurate knowledge of the region under consideration.

The Diario has a large circulation in Manilla and the different provinces of the islands, besides having agents at Madrid, Cadiz, and Paris; it is also obtainable in the Havana, at Hongkong, and at Singapore. The subscription is one dollar a month, which is moderate enough; and advertisements are inserted in its columns without charge.

There is the Giornale di Roma, the Diario Romano, and, last and least, the Vero Amico del Popolo. The three organs of Papal opinion bear a suspicious resemblance to each other.

Mur. xxiii. 890. Diario Ferrarese. Mur. xxiv. pp. 17-386. It sometimes happened that the contagion of such devotion spread from city to city; on one occasion, in 1399, it traveled from Piedmont through the whole of Italy. The Florentine authorities refused entrance to these fanatics into their territory. The penitents on this occasion wore for badge a dove with the olive-branch.