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He was raised on butthermilk an' haggis, an' he dhrank his Irish nate with a dash iv orange bitthers in it. He's been movin' steadily north since; an', if he keeps on movin', he'll go r-round th' globe, an' bring up somewhere in th' south iv England. "An' Hinnery Cabin Lodge!

"Just thin Crook comes up, blue an' white all over where he wasn't red. "'Wather! sez he; 'I'm dead wid drouth! Oh, but it's a gran' day! "He dhrank half a skinful, and the rest he tilts into his chest, an' it fair hissed on the hairy hide av him. He sees the little orf'cer bhoy undher the Sargint. "'Fwhat's yonder? sez he.

If he hasn't these things he won't succeed in pollytics or packin' pork. Ye niver see a big man in pollytics that dhrank hard, did ye? Ye never will. An' that's because they're all marrid. Th' timptation's sthrong, but fear is sthronger." "Th' most domestic men in th' wurruld ar-re politicians, an' they always marry early. An' that's th' sad part iv it, Hinnissy.

Well, the slieveen ould chap an' my father thought it was the dirtiest turn iv all before he beginned to do anything out iv the way, he stopped for a while to listen wor they both asleep; an' as soon as he thought all was quite, he put out his hand and tuk hould iv the whisky bottle, an dhrank at laste a pint iv it.

'Just thin Crook comes up, blue an' white all over where he wasn't red. "Wather!" sez he; "I'm dead wid drouth! Oh, but it's a gran' day!" 'He dhrank half a skinful, and the rest he tilts into his chest, an' it fair hissed on the hairy hide av him. He sees the little orf'cer bhoy undher the Sargint. "Fwhat's yonder?" sez he.

"'Twud be better for you if ut were," sez ould Mother Shadd, an' she had ought to know, for Shadd, in the ind av his service, dhrank bung- full each night. 'Wid that I tuk off my gloves there was pipe-clay in thim, so that they stud alone an' pulled up my chair, lookin' round at the china ornaments an' bits av things in the Shadds' quarters.

Ye see, 'twas this way. F'r manny years it's been th' theery that dhrink an' fightin' wint arm-in-arm. If ye dhrank ye fought; if ye fought ye drank to fight again. As Hogan says, Mars, who was th' gawd iv war, was no good onless he was pushed into throuble be Backis, the gawd iv dhrink.

"''Twud be better for you if ut were, sez ould Mother Shadd, an' she had ought to know, for Shadd, in the ind av his service, dhrank bung-full each night. "Wid that I tuk off my gloves there was pipe-clay in thim, so that they stud alone an' pulled up my chair, lookin' round at the china ornaments an' bits av things in the Shadds' quarters.

'Try me, an' tell, sez I. Wid that I pulled on my gloves, dhrank off the tay, an' went out av the house as stiff as at gin'ral p'rade, for well I knew that Dinah Shadd's eyes were in the small av my back out av the scullery window. Faith! that was the only time I mourned I was not a cav'lry man for the pride av the spurs to jingle.