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"Yes, sir, devilish swell affair, with gentlemen to ride, and Royalty to look on a race of races! London's agog with it, all the clubs discuss it, coffee houses ring with it, inns and taverns clamor with it soul and honor, betting everywhere. The odds slightly favor Sir Mortimer Carnaby's 'Clasher'; but Viscount Devenham's 'Moonraker' is well up. Then there's Captain Slingsby's 'Rascal, Mr.

Even that other and greater world, which is neither fashionable nor polite, being too busy gaining the wherewithal to exist, even in fetid lanes and teeming streets, in dingy offices and dingier places still, the same excitement prevailed; busy men forgot their business awhile; crouching clerks straightened their stooping backs, became for the nonce fabulously rich, and airily bet each other vast sums that Carnaby's "Clasher" would do it in a canter, that Viscount Devenham's "Moonraker" would have it in a walk-over, that the Marquis of Jerningham's "Clinker" would leave the field nowhere, and that Captain Slingsby's "Rascal" would run away with it.

"I'm Viscount Devenham's con-fee-dential groom, mam, I am!" said he coldly, and with his most superb air. "Groom?" said the Duchess, staring, "what a very small one, to be sure!" "It ain't inches as counts wiv 'osses, mam, or hany-think else, mam, it's nerves as counts, it is." "Why, yes, you seem to have plenty of nerve!"

"Yes," nodded the Captain, "but b'gad! we mean more than that, we mean that you are one of us, that Devenham's friend must be ours because he's game " "And can ride," said the Viscount. "And is a man of taste," added the Marquis. Thus it was as one in a dream that Barnabas beheld the legs of the Gentleman-in-Powder, and heard the words: "Dinner is served, gentlemen!"

Almost at the same time the Prince sat back in the shadows of the Duchess of Devenham's box at the Opera and talked quietly to Lady Grace. "But tell me, Prince," she begged, "I know that you are glad to go home, but won't you really miss this a little, the music, the life, all these things that make up existence here?

Vanderpole had called at the Savoy Hotel upon a travelling American, who had written to the Embassy asking for some advice as to introducing American patents into Great Britain and France. He left there to meet his chief, who was dining down in Kensington, with the intention of returning at once to join the Duchess of Devenham's theatre party. He was in no manner of trouble.